Shade Plants That Are Chicken Friendly

I'm about as far away from you that I could be but still be in the same country so I can't speak for what will grow well in your area. However nothing that they like to eat or really anything at all is likely to grow in the run. At least in my run the landscape changes daily, they can bury a volkswagon in a matter of hours and dig it up four days later! Grow a treat garden or just give them the scraps from your vegetable garden and kitchen scraps.
Hi there. I was wondering what kind of items you'd put in a treat garden? We are in MS and built our coop under a tree so they won't get overheated during the summer but are having a hard time getting items to grow in the shaded area that we have for them to free range. Any tips or ideas? Thank uou.
Thank you for the ideas!! My girls love plants. I find myself forging the yard with clippers and goggle.. It ensure it's safe to eat. LOL. I know I've read countless times chickens typically wont eat things that are toxic. But, honestly I worry if I offered them something they might take it anyway, because they are so accustomed to hand feedings.

What about oramental grasses??
an app called plant snap is nice because you take a picture of the plant/tree and the app will tell you exactly what it is.

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