She is broody again want to be hatching buddies?

We are first timers so I need to preface this with a warning that our questions may be a little niave. Our broody leaves her nest for about an hour a day. Do you think there is any chance she will hatch out her eggs given the time she spends off the nest?
YES!!! Let me tell ya .... This past winter I had a broody Silkie. She got off the nest, and could not get back to it (the door got closed to the area). She was off for hours! She still hatched 2 out of 4, and it was dead of winter! I was shocked, really.

My current broodies are totally opposites. Fattie (the light Cochin) gets out every day and tends to her business, as well as takes a leisurely 5 minute dust bath. The other one just won't get off the nest at all, that I have seen. I am sure she does sometime, but I haven't seen it.
They are a sex-link. The eggs were older than the gentleman liked to sell so he gave them to me. He told me they should have in the bator a week before. I know they are fertile because she has broke a few and they were developing. I am expecting a hatch this weekend and I am going to check them for the last time today or tomorrow. I do not bother her everyday because she is a little aggressive. (I am afraid of her)
They are a sex-link. The eggs were older than the gentleman liked to sell so he gave them to me. He told me they should have in the bator a week before. I know they are fertile because she has broke a few and they were developing. I am expecting a hatch this weekend and I am going to check them for the last time today or tomorrow. I do not bother her everyday because she is a little aggressive. (I am afraid of her)

My broody Checkers is very friendly and dosent even peck me when i reach under here to candle the eggs.
I got my eggs from a local woman. They are mixes. I have three blue ones, one white one and four brown ones. I really hope my blue ones hatch!
OK, finally have a pic of my current broody, Dani. She's a black sex link. Sorry for the poor picture quality. My camera has been taking these yellowed pics lately and it's annoying.

no. bator is short for incubator. Lock down is the last few days of incubating when you stop turning the eggs and not open the incubator. You up the humidity and can't open the incubator until after hatch.

one of the many big conveniences of having a hen is not having to worry about "lock down"
Today is day 5 for my little eggs! I'm not sure if I want to candle them tonight or candle them at 7 days...hmmm... I don't know if I can wait!

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