She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

never over nighted before but I have been ok with the post office It's always wise to save money whenever you can. I've only had the one bad deal on ebay. I think it will be ok .NY is a big place and the weather is a little cooler .I have a package coming from N.J. I bet its the same sorting center. I'll track it and see.
I am terrified of a mass kill like that. The most I ever lost at one time was 2. I've tried to make it as predator proof as possible, but if the coyotes ever find me...
That would be devastating

A Malamute from about 1/4 mile away killed 26 of my chickens, two of my turkeys, and mortally wounded my Porter's Narragansett tom just before Thanksgiving two years ago. I had to finish the tom and one of the blue slate hens.

Bad news on my hatch and it's all my fault unfortunately. I thought SC and I had set about the same time so I figured my hatch was way overdue. SC's are already out and signed up for preschool. Without counting the days (or hours) I just figured it was over and went to eggtopsy to see what was wrong with the chicks, find out what stage they passed at, and find out what color would result from a Marans over my RSL.

I cracked the big air cell end open a little on each one. I check the one I thought died a week ago. Sure enough it stunk like crazy.

I open the next one. Peel back the membrane a bit. Chick is breathing!
Look at the other one. Chick is breathing.

Now I stop to think about the real date I set and how many days it's been. I'm at the end of day 21. Idiot! I should have given them a few more days. Now I'm fullon red team on these suckers. Not because I'm a meddler, but because I caused the problem for them. Every time I tried to peel back a little membrane I got red blood. Not gushing or flowing, but definitely red blood.

Leave them? I can't. Now they are drying out. I wrapped them in wet paper towel this morning. They were both peeping. I'm pretty sure they were saying something like "you murdered us!". One even pipped the shell last night below the point that I broke the big end off. I will have to check after work and hope for the best.

I leave them in and they probably die shrink wrapped from me opening the shell. I try to help them out and they bleed to death.

What can I do for them?

Silver lining. I went into lockdown with two viable eggs and they were probably both going to hatch just fine so my incubator is still working well.
I just got home and was about to go into the assisted hatch how-to but I am glad I scanned further...

I went with the Farm Innovations. Also said the humidity was 85%. I need to find my household humidity gauge to stick in there. Its only 35% room air (according to the weather channel) I did wash but not dry. I was shooting to put the eggs in tonight but might wait till the morning. Also the book I got with it said to sanitize the eggs before placement, is this necessary? They are not dirty or poopy. Thanks for the advice

Lord help me when they go broody next year
If you don't have enough eggs for them to sit on, they will probably try to hatch each other...

Both my chicks hatched! I don't know what shape they are in. I don't see yolk. They are chirping.
What a relief!

I came home to this:

and two more pipped in the GQF.
Just finished my Day 5 candling. Out of the 24 eggs that were set we had to remove 6 - 2 quitters and 4 non-fertile. And out of the remaining 18, 3 are iffy - Pretty bummed about that ratio.

I have 8 High Noon-Leiper eggs and 10 Buff Orpingtons in all. Let's see what happens. :confused:
Great news, the seller of the yucky eggs asked ebay to intervene. She sent a whole lot of nasty grams and basically wanted me to defraud the usps. I certainly wasnt about to do that, the box wasnt damaged and there were no cracked eggs.
I ignored her, not bothering to reply to all the emails. I figured that I had stated my case and would leave it at that. Ebay found the dispute in my favor and have issued me a refund. This is the first time i have ever had to open a dispute.
Even better news, our eggs are now in mobile, AL. @RavynFallen

Dinner turned out very well, I made roast potatoes and parsnips, Brussel sprouts, carrots, Yorkshire pudding and gravy it was very yummy.

Great news, the seller of the yucky eggs asked ebay to intervene. She sent a whole lot of nasty grams and basically wanted me to defraud the usps. I certainly wasnt about to do that, the box wasnt damaged and there were no cracked eggs.
I ignored her, not bothering to reply to all the emails. I figured that I had stated my case and would leave it at that. Ebay found the dispute in my favor and have issued me a refund. This is the first time i have ever had to open a dispute.
Even better news, our eggs are now in mobile, AL. @RavynFallen

Dinner turned out very well, I made roast potatoes and parsnips, Brussel sprouts, carrots, Yorkshire pudding and gravy it was very yummy.

Good news on the refund! Your dinner looks delicious - almost makes me want some meat birds.
this is one of the two new chicks. My last one like this in the past died. Anything I can do for it or is it a cull?
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