She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

Then I agree fully, lol...

I agree too
So then 85% local and 75% shipped

I think if the fraction is 1/2 or more, it should be rounded up. Less than 1/2, I could go either way.
We could do that.
Quick question, eggs that are not fertile still have the white dot when you crack them, right? Fertile would be the circle around the dot?
Love this man. He is so yummy...well, when he's not making that
I :love him. In my dream life, I marry him, as Tony Stark!
Hey, guess what? I found my other earring in the big run today. So they didn't eat them!! Lol @kwhites634
That's awesome! Glad you got them back!
Quick question, eggs that are not fertile still have the white dot when you crack them, right? Fertile would be the circle around the dot?
I :love him. In my dream life, I marry him, as Tony Stark!
That's awesome! Glad you got them back!

Yes, they have a white dot no matter what... if it isn't fertile, it is the size of a pen point, and isn't rounded out either... and yes, no halo... :)
You mean of the full 20? Some were just plain quitters (certainly the non-clears that didn't make lockdown--as well at the one I could've taken out of the incubator to make room for 1 more Frieda egg), both in the incubator and under Frieda. Of the ones from under Frieda that made it to the incubator, I think the cold killed all but the 1 that hatched. Well, the seeper had probably died before that, and I was just wrong when I candled and kept it. Of the 3 of Frieda's that didn't get to go to the incubator, one was a clear, and the other 2 were likely quitters before the flood..

Yep--this is the first time I've had any shipped eggs hatch, so 20% from set is a lot better than 0%. I'm also thinking something happened with the hygrometer--I'd done the salt test, and after determining that it was reading 7% low (!) I just left it in the baggie on the shelf while I was waiting for the eggs that were resting. When I went to put it in the incubator, I found it on the kitchen counter, by the trash can, out of the baggie. I'm thinking Mr. P was tidying, tossed the baggie, then realized my hygrometer was in there and got it out...

Thanks for the reality check, BYC
And yep, Ravyn, the eggs were gorgeous.

But I don't have any jam left, except for last year's no-sweetener-at-all experiment that I told you about...

And, no one but Mr. P and I know this, but I doubt very much if any of the people we know in real life are going to see this, so I can say something here... We've been discussing my going back to work for the state, and most of the state jobs are in and around Sacramento. My telling Mr. P that, when I was working down there before PaperKid was born, that I was making twice as much with half the stress, really struck a chord with him (I was more like, eh, 'tis what it is). Doesn't hurt that, when we can afford another home loan (we'd be keeping this house, evidently... likely wouldn't sell soon anyway if we were wanting to sell), there aren't any poultry limits in the unincorporated areas of Sacramento county, as long as your property is... don't remember the square footage, but so remember that it's a little less than a quarter acre... Anyway, if we do move, it wouldn't be until August or after, so I may actually get to see eggs from these chicks, assuming they're girls, but I'd have to rehome anything hatched in the spring before they had a chance to do anything other than eat... Darn it, being a sensible adult sucks.

I've been trying to help kids remember how to round for too many years to round down if it's half or more, but I'm fine with following normal math rules instead of automatically rounding up 'cause you can't have a fraction of a chick
Quick question, eggs that are not fertile still have the white dot when you crack them, right? Fertile would be the circle around the dot?
I :love him. In my dream life, I marry him, as Tony Stark!
That's awesome! Glad you got them back!

Thanks! I was happy to find them.
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