She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

Chick update: I do so far have two survivors. One was the one that looked the worst out of the three alive ones. It was stone cold, not moving (I only knew it was alive because I happened to see it twitch just barely) and its bowels had released all over it - something that happens when animals die. For the first hour it just laid under the heat lamp, barely moving. When it did get up, it kept falling over backwards. When it got a little better, it would try to stand, and then start turning circles instead until it fell over. I really thought it was going to die, but it has pulled through and is now eating and drinking. I have become pretty attached to the little thing, although I keep referring to it to myself as the poopy chick, which I need to stop before it sticks and becomes its name. The poor thing had a rough enough start to life, it doesn't also need to be named that!

The other was well enough to peep at the post office, but not still not in good shape. When the PO lady called she said the box was peeping so that got my hopes up but it was just the one, which I could hear when I got there. That one was much easier to get back in better shape.

Everyone keep your fingers crossed for them.
On the numbers thing, I worked in Quality and compliance reporting for so long that when you don't meet the goal, you don't meet it since there is no "close enough". Therefore, I don't see 87%, 89% or even 89.99% as passing, when 90% is the cut-off. Since you can't have a partial chick, in my mind it will always be the next whole chick that meets/exceeds the goal that is parade worthy.
Of course, I don't have a thread and I don't do parades so my opinion is fairly worthless - but I'm OK with that. I'll still be waving the flag from the sidelines!

@AmyPaperlady - good luck on the job/relocation decisions. Those can be tough.
Quick question, eggs that are not fertile still have the white dot when you crack them, right? Fertile would be the circle around the dot?
him. In my dream life, I marry him, as Tony Stark!
That's awesome! Glad you got them back!
I had a dream once I was Pepper

On the numbers thing, I worked in Quality and compliance reporting for so long that when you don't meet the goal, you don't meet it since there is no "close enough". Therefore, I don't see 87%, 89% or even 89.99% as passing, when 90% is the cut-off. Since you can't have a partial chick, in my mind it will always be the next whole chick that meets/exceeds the goal that is parade worthy.
Of course, I don't have a thread and I don't do parades so my opinion is fairly worthless - but I'm OK with that. I'll still be waving the flag from the sidelines!

@AmyPaperlady - good luck on the job/relocation decisions. Those can be tough.
The way I see it is if it's 85% and that means you have to have 7.3 chicks hatch, That's 7 chicks, because indeed you can't have a "partial chick", and the number of whole chicks needed is 7. Technically 8 would be more than you need. That's my reasoning for not rounding everything up. I see the whole number as the least amount needed. Technically, any development that made it to lockdown but doesn't actually hatch could constitute a decimal cause it's not a complete I asked for opinions so I apparently don't find them worthless. I prefer to do things such as this by majority opinion. Because frankly my dear, I don't give a dam anymore. Just not feeling the whole community vibe/helping thing these days.
LOL Partial chicks

Yes, in your example technically 8 would appear to be more than needed, but 7 would not be enough to meet the 85% goal. The actual hatching % would be under 85% and you'd still be short of the goal. Therefore, in my mind, (and maybe in my mind only) you would need that extra whole chick to merit the parade.

Anyways, I'll be happy with what ever is decided and however parades are thrown. Your house, your rules.
I'm not sure - I've had chicks arrive DOA before, but they were on time, not lost who knows where. Although I think the ones that arrived DOA must have mishandled in some way to cause that since they weren't late - left out in the cold or something.

And I do have pictures - I took them in case the seller wants them to put in a claim for the insurance - since she offered to reship more chicks for me, I won't put the claim in unless she doesn't want to.

So glad that she's willing to replace them!
On the numbers thing, I worked in Quality and compliance reporting for so long that when you don't meet the goal, you don't meet it since there is no "close enough". Therefore, I don't see 87%, 89% or even 89.99% as passing, when 90% is the cut-off. Since you can't have a partial chick, in my mind it will always be the next whole chick that meets/exceeds the goal that is parade worthy.
Of course, I don't have a thread and I don't do parades so my opinion is fairly worthless - but I'm OK with that. I'll still be waving the flag from the sidelines!

@AmyPaperlady - good luck on the job/relocation decisions. Those can be tough.

There are other factors pointing towards relocation, as well--this is an absolutely gorgeous area, but we miss 4 seasons (not that Sacramento generally has a real winter, but 3 seasons is more than 2). This is a small town. Mr. P, who is in the ministry, and is director of Reach Out Ministries, once helped another ministry for a few years, and helped them get their non-profit status. He hasn't worked with them for almost 7 years now, which is about twice as long as he worked with them. He still gets asked how things are at that other ministry. True, it's not a major thing, but even I find it irritating. Mr. P's parents live here. They stop by all. The. Time. And they expect us to drop whatever we are doing when they do. And they inspect things. And must know everything we are doing. Sometimes it feels like we are their teenage children, too inexperienced to know anything. I'm 41, Mr P will be 38 in less than a week and a half. Our 18th anniversary was last July. My parents are dead, so Mr. P has no inlaw issues
Sometimes Mr. P has travel opportunities with the ministry--Sacramento is a lot easier to get to and from (especially from). If we move, when we can get our own place again (or if we manage to find a house to rent that the landlord would allow chickens), a lot of the folks on the Northern California thread have breeds I want (quite a few of them I learned about on that thread
) and are reasonable distances from Sacto, as opposed to everyone being 4+ hours away, one way.

Now, I wonder how many people posted since I started this, since the dinner timer went off halfway through the above?

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