She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

I tried to post earlier but byc wouldn't let me. So the 6 week old chicks arrived today. I went to the post office to pick them up and the man behind the counter goes to the back and then comes back to the counter and says "I wanted to tell you ahead of time, since I see you have a baby and all, that we don't think the animals made it alive. I just wanted to prepare you so you don't open the box in front of the baby and get to upset. The box has the odor that they get when they don't make it". So I was all freaked out to open the box!...but as soon as he brought it to the counter I could hear one of them. And I told him so. And he said "the others just went to sleep and didn't feel any pain, don't be upset about loosing them". So, again, I'm totally freaked out about opening the box! As soon as I got to the car, I just opened a tiny corner of the box and peeked in and they were all alive and staring at me!! Thank goodness. That man had me super worried!! It was like he was convinced that most were dead. Overall, I guess I'm happy with the purchase. One chick looks like a female and is totally gorgeous and the other 2 look like total culls and boys. I'm hoping I'm wrong and at least one more is female but they have a lot of champagne leakage, anyway. I guess it was worth it for the one (if she's a girl)! Here's a pic...

:weee Glad they made it safe!
It's a fun boat ride!!!! At least if you don't want to fish.

He said he wants to fish... when is a good time? :D ;)

Man, I haven't even been alive for half the time some of you have been married! :eek:

I had a fright today. I looked out the window and in the front yard I swore I saw my ayam cemani flock out and free ranging with the rest of the birds! I raced to the back of the house and looked out at the cemani coop and...everyone was still in the run. Going back to the other window, I realized what I was seeing was the cull cockerel and two cull pullets my broody orp raised this year. In all the rain they looked like they could have been my hens and Raptor, my breeding rooster. I'm glad that's all it was but yeesh did that scare me.

That woulda freaked me out to, lol... sounds like your culls aren't too bad either... :D
That woulda freaked me out to, lol... sounds like your culls aren't too bad either... :D

Lol, they all had their heads down eating, and the only way I can tell they're culls is from the cockerel's wattles and the pullets' toenails, none of which I could see. I'm glad I don't get color leakage in my birds but jeez, that was a bit of a fright. It doesn't help that the culls darken up as they age.
Lol, they all had their heads down eating, and the only way I can tell they're culls is from the cockerel's wattles and the pullets' toenails, none of which I could see. I'm glad I don't get color leakage in my birds but jeez, that was a bit of a fright. It doesn't help that the culls darken up as they age.


Oh no! I cracked an egg for dinner and it looks fertile!! I'm sooooo tempted to set next week now!!

Set them... we'll hatch together... an setting another very large batch of Calls for NYHAL... :D ;)
We were talking about FF here and what's the best container. And I'm really happy with what I found. It's a 1 gallon glass container with a lid. At Walmart for $5.88!! I was pricing them and saw one similar at AC Moore for $29.99. I bough the Walmart one and am happy with it for my fermented feed.
We were talking about FF here and what's the best container. And I'm really happy with what I found. It's a 1 gallon glass container with a lid. At Walmart for $5.88!! I was pricing them and saw one similar at AC Moore for $29.99. I bough the Walmart one and am happy with it for my fermented feed.

I haven't used glass so not 100% sure but was advised on the FF thread that glass could explode if used with FF.
I haven't used glass so not 100% sure but was advised on the FF thread that glass could explode if used with FF.
I would only think it could explode if you leave the lid on it. I don't know for sure though. I have fermented Apple cider vinegar and sour dough in a glass jar, but left the lid off with no problem.
Yes I agree with no use of the lid I do not think it would be a problem. But that FF isn't pleasant smelling so I guess it depends where it is kept. I keep mine outside in the feed shed. But I know a lot of people keep theirs in the house somewhere. Probably according to where they live because of temps. I'm in Florida, its always warm compared to some of the places others are.

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