She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

@MunsterChicks How many more do you have out now? lol I promised you some lavender orpington pics, so I'm finally getting around to them. 7 weeks old now... This is my friendliest little rooster And this little girl is sweet too Little treats! Hello! lol And the black one is really getting pretty. I need a name for her. Suggestions? And just because I thought it was a nice shot.... my Gemma and Tara lounging:
Aw I
them! How sweet, mine look just like that. I was trying to figure if they're splash or not, because I thought they just carried the lavender gene, but they look similar to yours. Same coloring, it's not white, more like a light gray. I'll take pictures later. Name her Sally, I don't know why I saw her and thought, "Hi Sally!" LOL.
@MunsterChicks How many more do you have out now? lol I promised you some lavender orpington pics, so I'm finally getting around to them. 7 weeks old now... This is my friendliest little rooster And this little girl is sweet too Little treats! Hello! lol And the black one is really getting pretty. I need a name for her. Suggestions? And just because I thought it was a nice shot.... my Gemma and Tara lounging:
Black surrounded by lavender? How about Prince? :lau
Thanks! Hoping the rest go well.
Thanks! Question for you guys, I see a chick pipped in there, looks below the air cell, unless the air cell is lower, or grew more. The one next to it pipped after him, and is pecking away. I'm thinking it may have drowned, is that possible if it externally pipped? He's not moving anymore, even when I play chicks peeping to him. The other one is going crazy though. I'm afraid to touch it incase he's just resting. But I don't know he pipped pretty far down I think

It is possible that it drowned, but more likely that its just resting. Was it zipping or just pipped? I would at least try to get it to make some movement, since I had one die mid-zip, even if I had to disturb its rest for a minute.
And the air cell does draw down quite a bit more, so depending on the placement, it could still be in the air cell.
Yep I've decided to leave them alone now, mother knows best and all that!

She's gotten this far without me, she doesn't need my help now lol
What does everyone do with the males?! I presumed people kept them for meat but I may be a little naive in thinking that! I'm from a farm but we never kept chickens so it's all new to me.
Yep I've decided to leave them alone now, mother knows best and all that!

She's gotten this far without me, she doesn't need my help now lol
What does everyone do with the males?! I presumed people kept them for meat but I may be a little naive in thinking that! I'm from a farm but we never kept chickens so it's all new to me.
Well some folks raise them up to 16-22 weeks and then process them for meat some keep them as pets and some try and rehome them :) Rehoming can be difficult unless someone wants to buy it to process.
Yep I've decided to leave them alone now, mother knows best and all that!

She's gotten this far without me, she doesn't need my help now lol
What does everyone do with the males?! I presumed people kept them for meat but I may be a little naive in thinking that! I'm from a farm but we never kept chickens so it's all new to me.
Try to sell them cheap as long as I can. If they don't sell they are great smoked
I can't find the post again, but I know Amy asked how my hatch was going. Still nothing except I did see a couple polish eggs bobble and I think the blob egg did too. Or maybe I made it happen in my mind lol.
Staying home to do housework today so I'm sure I will be watching the bator like a hawk.

And technically, I'm only on day 19, as I didn't set the eggs until 8:30 pm Monday.
I hope little frizzled bob hatches too...I can't wait!!!

Sc- yes I'm sure it's day 21 but I think because I set them late in the evening that maybe it's not day 21 till this evening if you get me so maybe I'm a little ahead of my eggs timing, I'm a complete sucker though and went to check again but broody had gone for a quick break so I candled 1 egg and the beak was definately in the air sac so I've decided that she's obviously doing a fine job without me so ill leave her be tonight and decide to candle tomorrow if no progression.

I'm like a small child a Xmas so waiting for OH to come home from work to stop me lol

How big was the air sac supposed to be this late in the game? It seemed huge almost too big but was on a lovely slant like the diagrams but surely the chicks will be tiny? They are polish eggs of 2 different colours that I picked up from a friend because I don't have a rooster (yet). I couldn't take a picture because I was using my phone to candle but must of been about 1/3 of the egg if a little less.
Before they hatch the air cell gets drawn down even more. Somtimes down half one side. Lots of people don't get to see how much the air cell changes after lockdown because they are so HANDS OFF! LOL But for many of them it is a drastic change and they are usually fine. Now if almost the complete top is empty all the way around and the dark only fills midway to botto chances are good it's shrink wrapped,

My polish always have large air cells in comparison to my hybrid breeds. With a broody doing the work, I wouldn't worry about every little detail. The most expensive incubators are just an attempt to hatch as well as a broody. If they are developed that well, and already pipping to the air cell, then you will have a good hatch soon. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't dare touch the eggs at this time, but that's just me
At this time?? At any time once they are set and just

You guys are giving me the itch again. Moving my polish outside today, so the brooders are empty
Scratch that itch!!!!

What the heck! Go for it. You know how to process them now
True story. And love the pics!!!

Thanks! Hoping the rest go well.
Thanks! Question for you guys, I see a chick pipped in there, looks below the air cell, unless the air cell is lower, or grew more. The one next to it pipped after him, and is pecking away. I'm thinking it may have drowned, is that possible if it externally pipped? He's not moving anymore, even when I play chicks peeping to him. The other one is going crazy though. I'm afraid to touch it incase he's just resting. But I don't know he pipped pretty far down I think
Many times they can pip in the middlish and still be in the air cell because it's possible the air cell is drawn down that much. Now, here comes my differences in hatching than my "partner's". It's not moving even when you play chicks sounds. I would meddle and pull it out just to see if the beak is still at the hole and moving. Sometimes I think it's better to have that reassurance than to sit their and stew and work yourself up. But I don't believe certain doom will come to those who open their bators either as long as they have adequate humidity.

Well some folks raise them up to 16-22 weeks and then process them for meat some keep them as pets and some try and rehome them :) Rehoming can be difficult unless someone wants to buy it to process.
Once I know or am pretty sure I list them on CL and the fb local poutry page I am on. I'll try to sell first, if no takers I will try to give them away, but I have a "Don't ask, Don't tell" policy. I don't want to know their fate. I had to come to terms when I started hatching that many times extra roos are only wanted for processing and if I was going to hatch and raise and not keep them it was a fact a life. So I like to think they are all going to a nice little farm to live out their lives, but I know that's not always the case. I just don't want to know.
I hope little frizzled bob hatches too...I can't wait!!!

Before they hatch the air cell gets drawn down even more. Somtimes down half one side. Lots of people don't get to see how much the air cell changes after lockdown because they are so HANDS OFF! LOL But for many of them it is a drastic change and they are usually fine. Now if almost the complete top is empty all the way around and the dark only fills midway to botto chances are good it's shrink wrapped,
Now I have a duck egg who fits this description but is only on day 20. Do you still believe it is shrink wrapped? Can I try and help it? Mist it more or something? It still is alive, but not moving as much as the others but also is getting hard to see.

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