She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

So it says water cyrstals on package and I look in garden. Is it made by miracle grow. My machines would spike on a gallon of water. I usually use the bottom of the incubator the top is usually so full of eggs. I do 44 at a time in incubator. So you put it in the distilled water you get at market and you add it with your sryringe or squirt bottle depends how much time I have on lock down. The other one I just pour a little squirt bottle of the water and pour it around the turning try's. I've tryed to use paper towels before but it would I stoped. I have rocks and penny's at the bottom of incubator . The humidy sponge was to replace the two sponges at bottom of the incubator . And maybe put one in the fence area of dog house. So if it got low I could help . It high in back and low in from in dog house on temp and humidity.

We have bottom for corners of it taped off or it will all pour out onto the carpet. And the diaper changer that used to be my sons it works good as a table. There up on 2 by 4s . For air. It still gets air flow in and out on both . Rocks will not hold it shut for water not to pour out.

I've been looking at the hatching and brooding book from library Gail damerow on the whAt went wrong section. That's a lot of possibility of failers


There is a reason there are holes in the bottom and they should never be taped off or blocked. They are for ventilation.

Those water crystals sound like a great idea. Try a handful scattered in a shallow dish. No muss, no fuss. No need to make a gallon's worth. Just soak them like beans and use when plump.
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It's trying to get enough of it. To go in to the coop. We have to put a fountain to spray water into the coop. It gets to hot in our heat in summer the big one 89.99 + 35.05 shipping charges. For 40 + birds. Problem there all in different areas. So it would work on adult chicken area. There only 90.00 from eggs donations. Partner will have to do the rest. Have to ask on other stuff.

Very bad idea. Fresh drinking water, shade, and airflow is all your birds need.
I think she had a prolapse .and when she layed the last egg it became so inlarged that it just killed her. She was fine an 1 hr 1/2 before. We have a water system coming hooked to the hose. So if I leave they should be ok. We also have a mister going to happen very soon. Birds or two hot even in shade. It will make it 20 degrees cooler in there. Right now I lightly spray it down rake twice a day just to cool dirt off a bit. It seems to be working. I put a tarp over baby birds and ducks. Spray younger ducks down. They like it.
There panting even in shade and at night. Having a hard time. Even with water and food and the little bit of water misted to cool dirt off.
TURK!  :hugs

Show us some Call babies!!   :)

VW! :hugs

I only got one good one last night but at least I tried!

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Growing with a vengeance! They're a wk old and have doubled in size! I need to put em outside but I don't want to loose the bond were creating!
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I don't have calls, but my babies are growing!

Blue Spitzhauben pullet

Blue Spitzhauben cockerel

Silver Spitzhauben pullet

The Spitz boys are already crowing!

I have turkeys hatching Friday, and then again in a week along with some random local farm eggs that I have no idea what laid them. Should be fun!
Growing with a vengeance! They're a wk old and have doubled in size! I need to put em outside but I don't want to loose the bond were creating!

But double size for a call is still small! lol

And you can keep the bond, if you work with them! I know you will.

I don't have calls, but my babies are growing!

Blue Spitzhauben pullet

Blue Spitzhauben cockerel

Silver Spitzhauben pullet

The Spitz boys are already crowing!

I have turkeys hatching Friday, and then again in a week along with some random local farm eggs that I have no idea what laid them. Should be fun!

Oooooh, that blue one is gorgeous! Well, they all are, but I really like her looks.

Mystery eggs! Woohoo!!

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