Should I get a male or female puppy?

Our dog park doesn’t allow puppies under 4 months old.
And we always went every afternoon at the same time with the same group of people so there was no risk of attacks.
If you know the people and dogs very well then I think it would be okay. But if you don’t then do not risk it. I wouldn’t let my puppy play with adults at four months either just in case. Accidents can happen with any dog.
between 6 months and a year.
But do consult your vet about the best time! There are pros and cons to early vs late.

What age do females go into heat/get period?
I’d want to spay her before that.
Not trying to sound mean but I would not let you have one of my puppies if you told me this. You should consult the breeder first and then a vet to back me up, but before the first heat is to young. That's approx. 6-8months old for a Large breed dog and they are not even remotely done growing. Many Large breed contracts now specify 18months to 2years. I have a long history with Newfoundland and Leonberger breeding. We don't make money and we are very selective of where we place puppies. You need to be all in for the good and the bad and you really don't want to wind up with a "back yard breeder," who agree's with you on bad ideas. You'll appreciate later the breeder's who have criterion you must meet. They will support you and their puppy for life.
I think you will be better off volunteering at a shelter for a little.
Pups are great.
But they are so much work.
I have 2 small dogs right now who are everything a dog should not be: Barely house broke, not socialized and completely untrained.
I got one when I was working for my husband and did not have the time to potty train properly, the 2nd was an oopsy pup from the first (she was a year old at the time - the neighbor's dog jumped the fence!)

They will be guaranteed to chew everything in sight when they start teething!
they will have accidents. They will bark, barf, and whatnot.
They will need shots. I lost one pup to parvo: She went from unwell to dead in 24 hours. (and I was working so did not notice in time)
Look around your area for training classes you can attend easily, both schedule-wise as transportation-wise (You sound very young).
Do not consider to breed your dog. That is an involved undertaking! You could very well lose your dog in the process!
Contact GOOD breeders and ask them about the characteristics for the breed.
Be honest with yourself and them about your lifestyle and plans for the new dog!
Labs look like goofy fuzz balls, but they are sporting dogs!
Not as high energy as say, a Border Collie! But they do need their exercise.

A good breeder will grill you like social services before adopting a child!
They will also stand by their pup for the remainder of its life.

I mean, you don't know what you don't know, and asking questions is the first step to acquiring knowledge. I just have a feeling you are not quite sure what you are going to get into.

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