Should I relocate this predator?

Here's mine - age 2

All very cute kids!

My sister has 5 kids and when the youngest (twins) were probably about a year old she realized she hadn't seen or heard them for a few minutes.....she started looking and found them locked in her dog crate. Turns out their 4 year old sister was tired of them messy up whatever she was playing with and stuffed them in there.
My DD did that to the 2yr old.
She wanted to know why it would hurt him to just stay in there until he stopped messing with her stuff.

Gosh, we are digging holes for ourselves this morning! LMAO

Looks like Evil Silkie rehabilitation to me.
Oblio!!!! That pic combined with your wit.... HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Has anyone here seen the Southpark episode where the Dog Whisperer is called in to fic Cartman??? OMG!!!! I about peed myself!!!!! I wonder if it would work?
We joke about it all the time, especially since I am trying to work with the dog based on his principles... which IS working great! He only jumps on the people that come in and go "Oh who's the baby puppy!!!!" kinda thing

Ah, rehabilitating kids.... LOL
LOL Miss Prissy! My older kids would for sure lock Crane up if they could, just to keep him out of their stuff... he gets into EVERYTHING!!!! Ah, no better time to dig holes than first thing in the morning, with friends

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