Show me your colors!


Apr 8, 2016
Belleville, MI
It's been a terrible week for me... Like, just awful. One thing that really makes me happy is seeing baskets/cartons of beautifully colored eggs with different colors and values!

I'm wondering if maybe you guys can give me a little pick me up and post some photos of your pretty cartons/baskets full of eggs! It'd also be neat if you could tell me a little about your favorite colors and the chicken that lays your favorite eggs.
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I so love this photo, when my EEs started laying olive, light green and minty blue eggs contrast with the Black Copper Marans dark eggs, now my other EEs lays light pink eggs.


the middle is my blue frizzled Easter egger.
Top dark brown is a Marans pullet, then around...barred Rock pullets, the big one is a duck egg, then I think a bantam Cochin egg, then a Speckled Sussex, then my white sport mixed Easter egger pullet.

Above are from my 4 year old black copper Marans hens

Below are from the Marans hens, and my "blue hens that lay blue eggs" project, and some barred Rocks.

My first "Camo egg"


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