Show me your duck pools/ponds!

I'm currently using kiddie pools that I drain using a gravel vacuum from Walmart. But I'm getting really tired of them. I want the ducks to be able to swim and dive and anyway they're not big enough for my four geese. When we rent an excavator I am going to dig them out a pond, line it with a pool liner, and hope that it works and I didn't make a big hole for nothing!
I have a (purchased in winter so cheap) 10ft above ground pool I dug into the ground that allows for diving and swimming, although the sharp drop was very intimidating. Also a large 4x2 sandbox (from Lowes), a cement mixing tray, and 2 rubber feed tubs (required with winter hard freezes.) The smallest remain the favs, possibly because they require daily re-mudding. For ducklings it's oilpans .... which adult geese will cram themselves into and try to bathe.

If you can keep the algae out I think the stock filter of the pool should be able to handle 2 ducks.
I'm currently using kiddie pools that I drain using a gravel vacuum from Walmart. But I'm getting really tired of them. I want the ducks to be able to swim and dive and anyway they're not big enough for my four geese. When we rent an excavator I am going to dig them out a pond, line it with a pool liner, and hope that it works and I didn't make a big hole for nothing!
That'd what my husband wanted to do as well! But for now he has just ordered a biggie kiddie pool. The sides look like they'll be super flimsy tho so idk how I'm gonna get the ducks in and out. They're terrified of us so I won't be able to pick them up 😔
Well, about 10' in diameter and 28 inches deep. Just installed and waiting on the rain to fill it.
That'd what my husband wanted to do as well! But for now he has just ordered a biggie kiddie pool. The sides look like they'll be super flimsy tho so idk how I'm gonna get the ducks in and out. They're terrified of us so I won't be able to pick them up 😔
I have a big kiddy pool and I had to buy another to double it so it would hold up.
we went the pan to various size kiddie pools to getting a 300gal tub from TSC. We have a drain line for complete draining and a filter system just installed to help keep the water cleaner. I recommend setting the space up for your final amount of full size ducks rather than going through all the different processes.
This is how I have it set up atm. Still trying to find a way that’s easier for them to get in and out. They are definitely growing out of the pool but we have a lake down the road that I take them too a couple times a week.
I have 2 pekins that are about 4 weeks old and have outgrown the turtle sand box I have been using for them. Can yall show pics of your set ups? I've been looking at kiddie pools but I need to figure out how they will get in and out. Thank you so much 🥰 PS I promise I clean their pool out everyday. LolView attachment 3596134
I am just curious - how long did it take your ducks to get the pool that muddy? I am caring for a duck that has two deformed legs that my husband brought home from the preschool he does maintenance and groundskeeping for when they were telling him to put the duck down he decided to try and rehabilitate him instead. We got one of the folding pools on amazon and I wonder if I'm being toooooo obsessive about cleaning it, I follow our duck around with an ultra fine net pool skimmer and remove his poo as immediately as I can each time he swims. I found that way the water stays really nice and clean for almost a week. As soon as I see a patch of algae start to form on the bottom, I have been draining the whole pool, scrubbing it with bleach spray cleaner and rinsing it completely before I refill it. this has let me drain and clean about every 3-4 days when it is very hot more because the water gets to hot, and every 5-7 days when it stays cooler. since our duck can't walk I carry him to The Pond every day and he flaps his wings like he's trying to fly so I guess he isn't tracking in mud from the yard on his feet....I was worried if the water got that dirty it might make his eyes get more infected (he's getting over foamy eye as it is). Just wondering if I should worry less about keeping the water sparkling clean...its a lot of work keeping him happy but me and my hubby are too much softies to put him down ourselves.
What are you treating his eyes with? I can understand wanting to keep the water clean but with waterfowl it’s near to impossible every 2 days is how long I can go on the small kiddy pool
And every three days on the large one and I have 17 waterfowl yes it gets dirty but I add fresh each day until the day I drain and refill.
Why can’t your duck walk?

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