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8 + yrs Old Pupmkin Brood cock


Dink fair Grey X Geroge Bravo Sweater 3 months old in this pic. He is 4 months now I will update photo in the next few days!!
That pumpkin look so good,, I wonder how they gonna be if you cross them on grey or blacks,,, thanks man I how I can raise some this year,,, hows your fowls pumpkin1?
Hello Pedenes, The Pumpkins cross with the Pure Greys exceptional. In my opinion thats one of the pretties looking cocks I have seen. The old man that gave him to me has been breeding Pumpkins for about 40 years and he swears by the Pumpkin / Grey Crossings. Its funny you mention Pumpkin and Black because thats the other Magical Cross as the Old Man says. The Old Man is already 70 years old and wants me to keep his line going thats why he game me the Pumpkins and as of last year he gave me two of his best Black Mcrea Hens he wanted me to cross with the Pumpkin Brood Cock. I hatched out five of those chicks the day before yesturday. They are beautiful too. I ll post some pics of the chicks for you. Have a good day sir.
Pedenes I dont know how to post pic on the other wed site but I ll post pics of my other Greys and Sweaters for you on this site. thanks for asking about my fowl, they are healthy and strong. Right now the weather is nice in San Diego and there is a lot of grass. Good day...
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Thats good, I have 2 mcreas hens direct from jerry douglas of bonanza game farm crossing them on my grey stag,, hopefully make some nice black greys, that's good let me see more picture s,, its only starting to get warm here in ny, but its muddy in tge chicken yard because of the rain,, hopefully I can post some new pictures too,, take care
Ok took some more photos today one is of the same grey stag as as in my other post, he is now one month older!

Dink Fair Grey/Bravo Sweater 4 months old.


This is a 4 yr old Pumpkin/Butcher brood cock He earned his time in the brood pen..


Here is my old PURE Pumpkin Brood cock ,He is OLD...!!


I hope you enjoyed looking at some of our birds!!
Darn good pictures man,, that grey stag looking so nice,, and the pumpkin,, I wish I can get some pumpkin so as well as asils,hennies,blues lmao,,, if you can just have everything.. Lol
Hey everyone, I am pretty new on here, and I have some basic questions regarding American Games I hope some of you can help me out with.I have started looking through this HUGE 400 page forum, and its full of good info, I just don't have the time to read through all of it. A gentleman gave me 3 games last summer when I bought some peacocks off of him, not sure what they are, but they all suddenly died. I will post some pictures on here in hopes that someone can help me ID them. Anyway, here are some questions I hope you all can answer for me and help me better understand these birds.
1. Why are they so expensive? I have not even seen eggs prices anywhere near what i consider average hatching egg prices. What should I expect to pay?
2. If I am not interested in show quality, where can i get eggs from a single, pure breed source that are not outrageous in price? I would prefer having a single breed just to keep the birds from mixing up.

I am more interested in the heritage factor, keeping a bird that has been a huge part of early america. Not for breeding and selling, but just to have. The broody factor is also important.

I would appreciate your help and any information you can give me as to what particular breed to look for.

Here is the link I posted last week, hoping to ID the birds I previously was given. FYI, the pics are of a hen , and she is deceased. I know the pictures aren't the best. I would really like to get this breed, for no other reason than I really liked the way the hens acted, they stood out form any other birds I have had. Maybe all games are like this, I'm not sure, thats part of the reason I am here.
Hello, and welcome to BYC! I am sure that you will find all the advice you are looking for around here plenty of knowledge full folk. I keep games out of appreciation of their character and attitude also for their broody and mothering skills.

Took a look at your other post and must say “god speed to you and yours and may you be home safe and sound soon. We are very proud and appreciative of the jog you are doing over there keep up the good work.

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