Show Off Your Games!

I'm not sure what type of game my girls are, but I have 2 full game hens & 3 game mixes. Feel free to reply if you know what they are :)

Belle, my game mix. She has such beautiful coloring!

Lulu, game mix - She's my favorite hen. She has such a spunky personality, and she runs like the roadrunner!

Bessie, full game

Lucy on the left, a game mix & Bessie, my game hen

Savannah, my free-range game hen - she gives me an egg a day, without fail :)
this gal wondered into a friend's yard. I have her now.

I know nothing about game birds. I have a yard full of bantam mixes, faverolles and EEs. Do you think she can fit in?
I have a hen just like this one in my pen. My flock is made up of game mixes, 1 ameracauna, some BCMs, & RIR mix. Mine is only about 4 months old, so she's not laying yet. I have a similar game hen running loose in the yard, and she's about a year old. She gives me an egg a day. Her coloring is slightly different (I posted a pic of her in a post above yours), but her comb looks just like yours. I don't really know how to tell the age of a grown hen. I'm curious to know what kind of game hen this is...

Hopefully someone here can more directly answer your question about her fitting into your existing flock.
Well I let her out with the others this morning. She got into it with a roo and one of my hens joined in the fight against her. Nothing terrible as I was standing by to break it up. I hope she just needed to learn she was not top hen. I want her to fit in but the safety of my existing flock is most important. I needed to see that they would stand up to her. She has those long legs and appears like she might do some damage if she got a good kick in.

Id like to know more about this breed and particularly her type too if anyone knows anything.
She is a Wheaten American Game, maybe from the Hatch line as best as I can tell the picture. I have one just like her. If I lived near by, I would come buy her from you. She will squabble with your other hens and even roosters at first but she will settle in after a day or so. Nice bird. Lucky you!
She is an interesting bird. She seems to be so friendly and tame to me. Im hoping she will warm up to the yard environment. Just in case Im in San Pablo so if you still want her and she doesnt work out here you may have her. Currently she is preferring to stay away from the others on a porch near where I am.

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