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ruh roh, yes hes young, no spurs yet. so how long have i got to get polish roo outa there...hes so wimpy i assumed that the stag saw him as no threat, but i guess i gotta get him outa there.
the person who gave him to me said he was fighting thru the fence an older cock and the older cock was hurting himself hitting the fence. ive got 20 hens so i was hoping for more than one roo. i guess im gonna have to split the pen....tks for heads up, mark
In my experience it has more to do with your Polish. My theory is that because the Polish look so different and are lacking the obvious comb that would tip the game off to the threat, the game rooster will wait for the Polish to act like a rooster ie try to breed, crow etc. So as long as your Polish is a complete wimp he'll be fine but if you're not at home one day and he tries crowing.... I'd start working on a new pen or enclosure for the Polish this weekend if you have the time and if you can't get it done until next weekend you'll probably be fine too since most games are content to just run the offender off when they are young.
Well, that's true ff, polish don't even register as a chicken to me...he he BTW, if you have any roosters free ranging, where they can get to that pen, you will get pen fighting too eventually, so if you free range anything, you need to keep the game in a pen with something around the bottom of the pen to prevent this. You can see an example of what I mean by going to my Cajun Yankee link in my signature. Good luck!
my grey will even try to get hens that come up to his fence,, lol,, he wont try to "fight" like if it was a roo,, but he does "pluck" them lol,, him and my alpha roo respect each others space,, they've only stood nose to nose through the fence once,, the fence beat them both

but i would never put another roo in with any of my games,, my newest is really gentle, doesnt mind to be touched too much,, ( woohooo finally someone gave me a roo that it doesnt take me 2 weeks to touch hahahaha ) i still wouldnt even think about putting another roo in with him,, shoot,, i have him tethered in his new pen, just to get used to all the other birds outside his pen, he can reach the fence, and has 2 peep holes he can see the others through,, he hasnt been agressive towards the fence yet,, hahaha.
CUDA I should have known you'd make fun of the Polish but your fluffy footed D'Uccles are in the same boat

As for wire and fences... always put sight guards where there is a chance they can see another rooster. Don't forget the roost area! If you have freerange roosters then you need sight guards all the way around your pens. Kicking the wire will cause cuts on the roosters feet, maybe even loss of toes and those cuts are almost impossible to keep free of infection because chickens walk in their own poop. An ounce of prevention will make the game raising experience much more enjoyable for everyone involved
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Here is our newest addition.... until we get a Blue Ameraucana Roo!

His name is Jerry Dee and he is a China Game. Son of Jerry Lee from the neighborhood to the south that has literally hundreds of these games running around wild.

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i had to give away my buff black tail jap roo, and i am gonna have to figure out what to do with my polish roo. My stag is now doing the "ninja" on my polish roo. The polish roo doesnt even see it coming and he is becoming very nervous. THe stag is tolerating him less and less, so u were right about that. I really like him though, he is proud, confident and "cock of the walk" and his ladies love him

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