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All that does is make some puny little silkier rooster afraid of the “master” nothing else. Soche runs off when the “master” approaches. Imo it’s better to let the rooster be a rooster. Everyone wants to be in charge when in reality the d*mn rooster is in charge. You’re just there like a 3rd wheel.
I’m plenty content just watching the rooster interact with his flock and not mess with him.
Every rooster is an individual though there is really nothing set it stone. You’ll read hand feeding makes them mean. BS. I do believe there is some truth to young stags/cockerels that are bold enough to not show the normal flightiness toward you when young. I believe they have a slight tendency to be more aggressive later on. With that being said it’s not a high enough percentage like others claim. I would just pay closer attention to that particular bird. Some people really just shouldn’t have roosters. Hell some people shouldn’t have chickens period.
It just pisses me off how some people vilify cockerels and cocks as nothing more than human aggressive chickens. I love roosters, they’re majestic and their plumage is stunning. I just hate it when people give roosters a bad name or tell other members to get rid of their rooster. When my flock had a cockerel the pullets and hens never fought!
It just pisses me off how some people vilify cockerels and cocks as nothing more than human aggressive chickens. I love roosters, they’re majestic and their plumage is stunning. I just hate it when people give roosters a bad name or tell other members to get rid of their rooster. When my flock had a cockerel the pullets and hens never fought!
To be honest some of those people may have had bad luck with terrible roosters so that’s all they know. They assume every rooster is gonna act like the last and they’re treated wrong from the beginning. The reality is the majority is caused by the owners actions. Too quick movements, chasing them away because they’re afraid (just because of what they’ve heard) of the rooster. Messing with hens all the time etc.. it’s very frustrating to read so much misinformation. I wonder how many roosters have been ruined because somebody was looking for attention and had to post some regurgitated info about putting a rooster in his place. :rolleyes:
Same thing with all us gamefowl folk are the devil and gamefowl are made to fight. Its all gibberish hear say better off handling a bird rather than not be it a rooster or a hen they need to trust you and trust has an always will be earned no matter the case. I try to handle my birds pretty often most are down right gentle warriors some are a little high strung it all takes patience. Havoc does a fine job handling these birds you'd be suprise how calm these fellas can get and he has have me some good tips on handling em along the way.
Does anyone know of a single man around Salem Illinois who shares my love for chickens and other animals, wants babies and likes to fish and wants to live in the country. Has a job and has been there for 2 to 3 years. From 30 to 40 years old. I am 35 and want babies before it's to late. Needs to love chickens as much as this :wee
lol, is 44 to old?
@roosterhavoc I didn't realize you were such a chicken whisperer. What you wrote rings true to me! I handle and give treats to all my birds from the day they hatch. I like the stags that are cocky, but not aggressive. Most with come right up to me for treats. The rare one can be just plain aggressive, and they do not get to stay. Showing them who is "boss" does not work for me. It either breaks them completely or generally makes things worse. If I show them respect, on their terms, they generally reciprocate. It seems many animals work this way.

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