Show Off Your Games!

Well, I have had my 2 games for 8 weeks now, they have settled in nicely. They are my favorites, and I can watch them for hours. Their still skittish to the other birds, especially with table scraps or treats, but they get their share. I think their beautiful and hope my friend gives me more. Here's some pics-they are about 6 months old and laying


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The mystery game has been moved to the next grow-out brooder. In truth he's probably ready to join the 24-7 free range flock. I've turned jungle fowl out much smaller that have done fine. But because he's pretty unique I might let him grow out some more before I let him sink or swim. I'd like to have a better idea of what his final build is going to be. A junglefowl cockerel that's quite a bit older ran in between my legs as I was taking pics and the mystery game bowed up on him. Didn't intimidate the JF though. But it was still an interesting display of spunk.
I ended up with 2 kelso and 3 roundhead stags amongst a bunch of pullets. I culled the 2 last roundhead stags a couple days ago oh and 1 blue stag and 6 blue pullets but 2 I still need to cull. The roundheads are doing great in the show. The kelso are to be determined
I was surprised to catch both the mystery game and the aseel cockerel crowing this morning. Several weeks younger than my jungle fowl when they start crowing, and generally the JF mature faster than normal barnyard chickens.
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