Show off your house ducks!

My Drake is waiting on his diaper to arrive, then be will be an officisl house duck I love him, as soft as can be. Do you guys bathe them? I know it will take off his natural oils but he is a little stinky? What are my options?

I mostly agree with everyone else. If he's stinky let him bathe himself in a tub of fresh water, but you don't need to use soap on him unless he gets into something funky that you don't want him to ingest while preening (like when Trina decided it would be a nice short cut to walk under the car and came out the other side COVERED in grease. She got baby shampood for that one LOL)
I'm still curious what the smell is, though I know it's almost impossible to describe some odors in writing. There are smells you'll have that are totally normal but strange if you're not used to having ducks in your house. Most of the odor on the duck itself come from its feet, legs and bill. A duck pen indoors or out will be dirtied within 10 minutes of putting a duck in it, and they get that on their feet and legs more quickly simply because indoor pens are usually smaller than outdoor ones, so they're going to step in the dirty parts more quickly.

The bill is another part that can get yucky from them digging around in damp feed, and usually in the bedding that has poo in it, when you have them indoors. All the parts I've mentioned can be wiped off with a paper towel dampened with warm water if you want to clean them off between swims. You can use a soft toothbrush to scrub under their toenails where bits can get caught. They don't enjoy that, but it's quick and doesn't hurt them, and offensive-smelling bits of things that don't come off when they swim can get lodged under the toenails, especially if you don't trim them.
I'm still curious what the smell is, though I know it's almost impossible to describe some odors in writing. There are smells you'll have that are totally normal but strange if you're not used to having ducks in your house. Most of the odor on the duck itself come from its feet, legs and bill. A duck pen indoors or out will be dirtied within 10 minutes of putting a duck in it, and they get that on their feet and legs more quickly simply because indoor pens are usually smaller than outdoor ones, so they're going to step in the dirty parts more quickly.

The bill is another part that can get yucky from them digging around in damp feed, and usually in the bedding that has poo in it, when you have them indoors. All the parts I've mentioned can be wiped off with a paper towel dampened with warm water if you want to clean them off between swims. You can use a soft toothbrush to scrub under their toenails where bits can get caught. They don't enjoy that, but it's quick and doesn't hurt them, and offensive-smelling bits of things that don't come off when they swim can get lodged under the toenails, especially if you don't trim them.

Lol..its nothing horrid. How do i put it? Just a duck smell, like a mixture between his feed, a dirty muddy wet duck, and his bedding. The only time i ever even smelled it was when i had my nose buried in his feathers, lol, we were cuddling alot lately. You know a dog smells like a dog. A duck smells like a duck.
I guess I just imagined house ducks to smell like a baby that just got a bath....

I love duck smell <3 Someone put that in a bottle and sell it, I'll buy the entire warehouse! Maybe mine are more pleasant since they're indoor duckies and don't get much chance to dig around in dirt? LOL!
Lol..its nothing horrid. How do i put it? Just a duck smell, like a mixture between his feed, a dirty muddy wet duck, and his bedding. The only time i ever even smelled it was when i had my nose buried in his feathers, lol, we were cuddling alot lately. You know a dog smells like a dog. A duck smells like a duck.

LOL. Good deal. I was concerned about a smell that would indicate infection, which I had no idea how to describe but know it in person. Sounds like you're fine and just haven't been in the habit of having your nose stuck in a duck's feathers.
My Runners smell faintly like meringue and feed. Yes, I get close enough to smell them regularly. It may sound odd, but as JadeComputerGal wrote, there is a certain odor that infection has, and I do several little things to check on the ducks' health, like picking them up, giving them a sniff, watching their gait.
My Runners smell faintly like meringue and feed. Yes, I get close enough to smell them regularly. It may sound odd, but as JadeComputerGal wrote, there is a certain odor that infection has, and I do several little things to check on the ducks' health, like picking them up, giving them a sniff, watching their gait.
LOLOL. I don't know if I want my ducks to smell like meringue or if that would make me crave chocolate cream pie. I just notice when something is different from what it normally is, but I can't put a "something is wrong" smell with my own ducks into words.

Jade/Gina (Any of you are welcome to use either of those.)
LOLOL. I don't know if I want my ducks to smell like meringue or if that would make me crave chocolate cream pie. I just notice when something is different from what it normally is, but I can't put a "something is wrong" smell with my own ducks into words.

Jade/Gina (Any of you are welcome to use either of those.)


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