Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!


Blue Brassy Pullet, about 10 weeks old. Still young and hard to predict, but she's a looker so far. Hoping for some progress on my BBB project. Love her color so far. She's bright in her hackle and breast.

I like her alot! :)
I really don't like the short squatty OEGBs. The roos in this line started out that way, but through selection they're starting to get more normal proportions. I think they should look like the standards, just smaller. Problem is, it's hard to make weight like that, without your birds being really tall. Got to find the right balance.

That little girl has a good shape.
I really don't like the short squatty OEGBs. The roos in this line started out that way, but through selection they're starting to get more normal proportions. I think they should look like the standards, just smaller. Problem is, it's hard to make weight like that, without your birds being really tall. Got to find the right balance.

That little girl has a good shape.

Hey Jophus I've been meaning to ask you what you use for dubbing shears?
Hey Jophus I've been meaning to ask you what you use for dubbing shears?

I'm a RN who does procedural sedation in an OR-type setting (I put people to sleep). I have access to unused disposable surgical instruments, when I get ready to do some dubbing, I just have the techs save some scissors, blades and forceps for me. I like the precision they give me.
I'm a RN who does procedural sedation in an OR-type setting (I put people to sleep). I have access to unused disposable surgical instruments, when I get ready to do some dubbing, I just have the techs save some scissors, blades and forceps for me. I like the precision they give me.

I've heard they're the best. I've got a friend who's a surgical nurse and my oldest daughter is a ICU nurse maybe they can find me a pair. So you put folk to sleep for a living! :). As long as you can wake them up all is well. We have six kids so we've had lots of sports injury related surgeries. The anesthesia folks were the ones I made sure we're on top of their game.
I've heard they're the best. I've got a friend who's a surgical nurse and my oldest daughter is a ICU nurse maybe they can find me a pair. So you put folk to sleep for a living! :). As long as you can wake them up all is well. We have six kids so we've had lots of sports injury related surgeries. The anesthesia folks were the ones I made sure we're on top of their game.

It's not putting them to sleep that I get paid for. That's easy. It's the waking up part that earns you a paycheck. In all seriousness, I Take a lot of pride in what I do. Getting people in and out safely is very rewarding. Love it when I wake people up and get to tell them that what they were so worried about is over, and they're fine. Most argue with me that they never went to sleep.
It's not putting them to sleep that I get paid for. That's easy. It's the waking up part that earns you a paycheck. In all seriousness, I Take a lot of pride in what I do. Getting people in and out safely is very rewarding. Love it when I wake people up and get to tell them that what they were so worried about is over, and they're fine. Most argue with me that they never went to sleep.

I was so thankful for on one of your counterparts a few weeks ago when I had surgery. I lost a thumb in an accident and was in a lot of pain. The surgery was just like you described, didn't remember a thing...until about 18 hours later when the nerve block wore off. :th
Wow. Losing a thumb is pretty serious. Were they able to reattach? Sorry to hear that.

I've been on the other side as well. Completely ruptured an Achilles (in Mexico, no less) a few years ago. It's all fun and games until the marcaine wears off.
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Wow. Losing a thumb is pretty serious. Were they able to reattach? Sorry to hear that.

I've been on the other side as well. Completely ruptured an Achilles (in Mexico, no less) a few years ago. It's all fun and games until the marcaine wears off.

No, couldn't reattach it. Sort of ripped off at a bad angle. Yea I woke my poor wife in the middle of the night after the surgery begging for pain meds!

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