Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

Looks like the first one that I got sight of appears to be SDW

And I've found 2 empty shells, and saw the legs of the other, but not sure what color it is yet.
(look under her tail)

Awwwww  isn't it sweet!  :love

p.s. I use that rubber shelf-liner stuff on the bottom of the incubator.  It just seems softer for the itty bitty ones.  Just thought I'd throw that out, in case you might want to consider it.  And it helps make clean-up easier too!
yeah I'm gonna get some and a second bator tomorrow just haven't been able to yet, but I'm making a coolerbator, for a brooder too.... glad I'm finally getting hatchlings
Awwwww  isn't it sweet!  :love

p.s. I use that rubber shelf-liner stuff on the bottom of the incubator.  It just seems softer for the itty bitty ones.  Just thought I'd throw that out, in case you might want to consider it.  And it helps make clean-up easier too!

Not only is it softer, it provides better footing for chicks and helps prevent splayed legs.
Did you breed a SDW roo over this hen? I'm fascinated by the splits when you cross 2 different varieties. Who comes out looking like who.

Yes, I did. They SDW is the only OEG roo I have. I just got another pic, 4 chicks out, but I have to switch modes to post it :/
I will be very curious to see how they grow out also. I'm selling 2 of the mixed older girls tomorrow, thinking maybe I'll stick to SDW and just one or two mixed girls.

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