sick chicken


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 2, 2014
Independence, Ky
My 2 yrs old Buff has been acting very strange. Going to roost early, not running after food or even getting out of the coop to free range. today I found her sitting in the nesting box panting. I picked her up and put her on the ground and she has her wings spread out and panting. anybody know what might be going on?
She might be overheating I usually give my chickens a treat (water mixed with chicken feed and other treats that's been frozen) if you take her inside be careful because it could shock her system
Is there a feed store near by or do you know anyone in 4H or FFA? They might be able to help a lot more than I can. How does she usually act and hows she acting now? I've had a hen do this before but she was fine in a few days.

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