Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

Hi, I just recently purchased my first silkies and wanted to post on here and see if one was a show quality bird. It is most likely a hen and is only about 1-2 months old so I don't know if it is too early to tell but I thought I would ask if she was!


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I also have what I feel could be SQ silkies.but even though not too many people are on this thread now in the beginning, if you read through, it will give you a good idea of weather or not your birds would be good in a show. In the last five years when this thread was begun. It gives you information from the crest to there feet.
Can someone tell me if this is split wing on my Paint & Cuckoo Silkies?

When I fully extend the wing, there appears to be a gap (photo 1 of Paint Silkie) but when not fully extended there isn't a gap (photo 2 of Cuckoo Silkie)? Both wings look alike on them but I was trying to show the difference between fully extended and not fully extended. They are 5/6 months old so I'm not sure if they're still growing in feathers or not. :S
I have a question about weights of silkies for showing. I just weighed a white silkie rooster that I was planning on showing and he weighed 2 lbs 12 oz. That would be 44 oz which I believe is too heavy. What are the correct silkie weights for showing?
For the silkie bantum males should be 22 oz and females 18 oz. The regular size Silkies the male can be 4 lbs and females 3 lbs. See Exhibiting Silkies. It gives you a lot of info.
Thanks for responding. I am wondering if those weights are for the UK. They have different requirement than the US does. I looked at the site and it did not look like a US website.

The American Silkie Bantam Club says Cocks (roosters over 1 year of age) should weigh 36oz or less and cockerels (roosters under 1 year) should weigh 32oz or less.

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