Silkie Hatch-A-Long 2015

Hi everyone! 

I just set 16 Silkie eggs yesterday!  I asked for 10 and got 6 extras!!   They are local, so I have high hopes of hatching a little Silkie flock.  This breeder has stunning Silkies... I  am hoping hoping for lavender, black or showgirl   : )  It will be fun to see what hatches in any case.

Good luck! I wish I had a good silkie breeder locally! I'm building my silkie flock from shipped eggs. The lavenders are beautiful! My 6 peafowl eggs are on day 8 and developing perfect. They are the only local eggs I've done yet! :)
Good luck! I wish I had a good silkie breeder locally! I'm building my silkie flock from shipped eggs. The lavenders are beautiful! My 6 peafowl eggs are on day 8 and developing perfect. They are the only local eggs I've done yet!
Thanks! I have really lucked out with this breeder as she has many cool breeds. I hatched 2 Silkies from her before and they were stunning, but there were only two of them and the hen had 4 toes on one foot so I sold them as pets. It is a bit of a drive but much easier than getting eggs shipped and I don't seem to be able to hatch ANY shipped eggs these days. I am developing a complex : (

I may have one quitter of my 3 peafowl eggs, but I'm not completely sure so I just keep turning all three. Less than 2 weeks for them, I am glad yours are doing so well!
I'm onto day 14 and I have never wanted my days off to pass so quickly lol. I think incubating eggs slows time down!.
You're right Ruby, it's now day 18 and I've went into lockdown. Out of the 12 shipped eggs I've had one quitter. I think I've done all I can and I'm sitting here with my fingers, toes and eyes crossed lol. Now the real waiting game begins
You're right Ruby, it's now day 18 and I've went into lockdown. Out of the 12 shipped eggs I've had one quitter. I think I've done all I can and I'm sitting here with my fingers, toes and eyes crossed lol. Now the real waiting game begins

Good luck!! I went into lockdown with 12 shipped eggs. 7 hatched and the other 5 never pipped but were fully developed. Here's a couple of my silkies from the hatch. Update when you get some pips. I usually start getting them on day 20. Hatch day is my favorite!! :)
Good luck!! I went into lockdown with 12 shipped eggs. 7 hatched and the other 5 never pipped but were fully developed. Here's a couple of my silkies from the hatch. Update when you get some pips. I usually start getting them on day 20. Hatch day is my favorite!! :)

They look lovely, if I could replicate that, then I'd be more than happy. I'll post pics, if I don't kill them all
I am seriously bummed... of my 16 eggs, only 3 are developing! I can hardly believe it. The rest all look clear, not even any quitters. That is a pretty terrible fertility rate.
I am seriously bummed... of my 16 eggs, only 3 are developing!   I can hardly believe it.  The rest all look clear, not even any quitters.  That is a pretty terrible fertility rate.

So sorry to hear that! I only had 1/14 that were fertile from my silkie eggs that I set. At least I ended up with one sweet little healthy silkie chick though! "She" is one month old now. I hope your 3 all hatch into perfect little chicks!

Here's a recent photo of mine :)

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