Silkie thread!

I am wondering how do you know if you have pure bred silkies. mine were given too me but they aren't as fluffy around the eyes as most of them are. The rooster has red cone and red whatever you call it on his face. I call it his ears and then two of the hens have blue on their side of their face. How would I know if I ever got a pure bread. My hens have hatched out 9 babies in a period of several days and there is another one under the hen now but it was still wet so had too leave it till morning. I don't have a run and such so I am bringing the babies in the house so that I can feed and water them. They seem too be happy. Seems like two of the hens have been setting for over a month. What should I do? I don't think they should all 3 be sitting there hatching an egg every two or three days. Any info will be appreciated.
Yep, Jen, that is an Elvis boy!!! He's a beauty!!! Cammy is getting Vegas. He got his name because he was the last to hatch, and before I discarded the egg, I cracked it a little and heard a peep!!!! I figured he was lucky, hence the name "Vegas"... Elvis is his dad too, but they have different mothers...

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Wow, I got the Silkie bug. I have 7 3 week-olds, 2 white, 4 partridge, 1 blue. They are from a hatchery, but quality seems ok.

I really dont know how to determine for a vaulted head, I dont want to feel around on the head on a skullless bird... The Whites are growing a bit faster than the rest.

I am in So Cal, are there any breeders out here that can sell me more Silkies? I am very interested in white, buff and blue, and also looking for larger-sized birds, I am not interested in showing them, I just want to start breeding larger (true) silkies.
A vaulted skull has a little hump on top of the skull. It is actually a hole in the skull that causes this. I want you to remember though, that this makes it easier for them to get hurt and cause bleeding on the brain. Just because they have a vaulted skull doesn't make them any better than one that does not. Some of my best shown silkies do not have a vaulted skull. It is all in the breeding.
Yep, Jen, that is an Elvis boy!!! He's a beauty!!! Cammy is getting Vegas. He got his name because he was the last to hatch, and before I discarded the egg, I cracked it a little and heard a peep!!!! I figured he was lucky, hence the name "Vegas"... Elvis is his dad too, but they have different mothers...


That is too funny "CHICK-IN-LAWS"
I like that one! Would have never thought of that. We definitely have some Handsome Boys!!!
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