Silkie thread!

My sixth month old Silkie Agnes laid her first egg five days ago, and I've gotten four since. I'm super impressed with her efforts so far, and the eggs are adorable (thought to be fair, just about everything she does is adorable). I'm very proud of my girl. She's my only Silkie, and is part of a small, mixed flock. However since laying her first egg, she's become very noisy, squawking most of the day. Before, it was just little quiet clucks to herself, and her friends. Do they settle down after a while, or do some just stay noisy? Also, would she be fully grown by now, or is that more by the time she's a year old? Here's a photo of the fluffy little monkey in question. She may be a little younger in this photo though.

My sixth month old Silkie Agnes laid her first egg five days ago, and I've gotten four since. I'm super impressed with her efforts so far, and the eggs are adorable (thought to be fair, just about everything she does is adorable). I'm very proud of my girl. She's my only Silkie, and is part of a small, mixed flock. However since laying her first egg, she's become very noisy, squawking most of the day. Before, it was just little quiet clucks to herself, and her friends. Do they settle down after a while, or do some just stay noisy? Also, would she be fully grown by now, or is that more by the time she's a year old? Here's a photo of the fluffy little monkey in question. She may be a little younger in this photo though.
She's just so proud of her eggs she wants everybody to know she's a potential mom.:)
My sixth month old Silkie Agnes laid her first egg five days ago, and I've gotten four since. I'm super impressed with her efforts so far, and the eggs are adorable (thought to be fair, just about everything she does is adorable). I'm very proud of my girl. She's my only Silkie, and is part of a small, mixed flock. However since laying her first egg, she's become very noisy, squawking most of the day. Before, it was just little quiet clucks to herself, and her friends. Do they settle down after a while, or do some just stay noisy? Also, would she be fully grown by now, or is that more by the time she's a year old? Here's a photo of the fluffy little monkey in question. She may be a little younger in this photo though.

She is adorable! She will probably make less of a fuss as time goes on.
Hey guys I am looking for around half a dozen silkie hatching eggs. Does anyone know of a good breeder that will be selling some by April?

Looks like you're in TX. You could try the TX thread in the Where Am I? Where Are You? section of the forum. There are also several Silkie groups on FB, and some of them are specifically for selling birds and eggs. Good luck :)
I used to think having a broody Silkie was a death sentence. But after 5 years of letting them brood an empty nest for several days/weeks I just make sure they get off the nest a couple times daily to eat/drink/dust-bathe/exercise before they scurry back to brood their empty box. After their broody period is over they come out to join the rest of the flock all refreshed and ready to do daily chicken things again. I make sure to immediately remove any eggs out of the nestboxes. But Silkies are tenacious broodies. I had one that tried to hatch a cucumber slice!
Yep! I've done that!
How quiet are silkies? I was thinking about getting some

They are adorable Teddy Bears. I call mine The Muppets! Anyway, all chickens have an egg song where they can cluck mildly to loudly when they lay their egg. I have 2 Silkie hens and one clucks loudly a third of the day -- she's always been noisy and bossy. My older Silkie at 5 yrs old has never been a noisy clucker but once in a while she'll let out a loud egg song for about 5 minutes. They're all different from what I've been able to glean off this Silkie thread. If all 4 of my hens start clucking wildly it could be because the Cooper's Hawk flew overhead or a stray cat crossed the yard!
My sixth month old Silkie Agnes laid her first egg five days ago, and I've gotten four since. I'm super impressed with her efforts so far, and the eggs are adorable (thought to be fair, just about everything she does is adorable). I'm very proud of my girl. She's my only Silkie, and is part of a small, mixed flock. However since laying her first egg, she's become very noisy, squawking most of the day. Before, it was just little quiet clucks to herself, and her friends. Do they settle down after a while, or do some just stay noisy? Also, would she be fully grown by now, or is that more by the time she's a year old? Here's a photo of the fluffy little monkey in question. She may be a little younger in this photo though.

She is just adorable! Precious little creatures! If your little girl has layed her first eggs then she is probably at her maximum weight. I have one Silkie at 2.2-lb and the older Silkie is at 2.4-lb and they are 4 and 5 yrs old. They are impressive layers and lay the largest bantam egg. Our eggs average from 1.25 oz to sometimes 1.5 oz but 1.25 has been the norm. My first chickens were Silkies and I thought I needed some larger breeds for eggs. But I soon discovered the Silkies are tenacious layers at 4 to 5 eggs/weekly until they go broody. My older 5-yr-old Silkie still lays 4 to 5 eggs weekly. I don't mind when my Silkies go broody on an empty nest because it gives them a rest to replenish body nutrients from laying so many big eggs from such a little bird. When using Silkie eggs in cooking/baking we add a little store-bought egg whites to the recipe (the yolks are larger in a Silkie egg with less whites and the recipe might be too orange/tough without adding a little extra egg white. Personally I would not keep a Silkie alone in a LF flock. We keep 2 Silkies and 2 LF for a balance -- especially since one Silkie is more timid than the other. Ours aren't the best of buddies but they do tend to hang out together and being the older chickens in our flock they are the alphas. I am so tickled you love your little Silkie!

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