Silkied Ameraucana Project

I've got one of Renee's "calico" splash cockerals. It's a heavy bleed on the wings only. She said she figgured it came from a wheaten influence.
At first I thought was going to be like a calico cat coloration - but not in this case anyway.
Flashy splashy is one of the reasons planning on bringing jubilee coloration into silkied Ams.
Purdy Birdy!
So I wonder, if the red leakage was from peeps breeding them to wheaten. My splash boy has quite a bit of red leakage on his wings
Most black birds are based on gold. gold=red

The birds with leakage just don't have enough color modifiers or enhancers to keep them black. This is why you never use a bird with any leakage in your flock when you are a breeder. Even one feather can mess up an entire program.

Just got word that the last shipped batch is looking good for development too.

I hope Renee is pleased with how her contribution to this "fad" in being carried forward.

Sorry, that was kind of snotty. But as hard and as seriously as so many have worked to make contributions to the silkied project it almost ticks me off to have it slammed.
Until I consider it as a backhanded compliment. The interest being generated by the project must have moved up to "threat" status on radar. To the point of being challanged to play Christian in the arena and enter the forum going here kitty, kitty. Yeahhhh right.

Curious as to others thoughts. I know it has been brought up on the wrong feathers thread in the past for consideration. Is everyone content for silkieds to remain a project?
Has anyone given thought to seeking Am acceptance (when lil devils go ice skating) or as our own Silkied Am breed? Serious question - are we looking at going anywhere in particular with these guys?
I wasn't aware that the project was getting slammed, guess ignorance is bliss for me on that front.

I would like to see them become an APA standard, but I don't know that we have the numbers to do it yet. I would think this is one area where it would be great to get the support of a breed group like the ABC, but I have no idea what happens if they adamantly dislike the notion of our project. Making separate but nearly identical breed our goal just seems like it would incite confusion or worse.

Part of the requirements for getting them accepted is showing, so I think I'd like to do a bit of that. Realistically a split could be entered as a regular to get feedback on how they are conforming to the standards, so even if we never go that route it might be something I do to test my flock and look for areas of improvement.

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