Silver Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly


9 Years
Mar 20, 2015
I just hatched out 2/15 Silver Ameraucanas from some shipped eggs (more will be hatched in another month or two) and wanted to keep track of their growth and maybe take notes of some early indicators of gender. They turn 1 week old on Monday, but because of my work schedule, weekly pics will be taken every Sunday, starting tomorrow. They are gonna go outside into the old garden area for the first time tomorrow to explore and enjoy the sunlight. Pics will be taken then so I can get some good clear photos in natural light. The two chicks have very different down colors- one is basically a faint black and white chipmunk looking chick, the other is the more typical brown chipmunk with more clear striping. Interested to see if that has any bearing on whether they turn out to be male or female. So, feel free to follow along as I track these babies' growth and eventual gender reveal! I will be following them until full maturity, adding the new babies when they arrive, and even sharing which ones I decide to keep and add to the breeding program. So excited to have this detailed chronicle of them growing! See you tomorrow with our first pics!
ETA: I also have a thread for both my BBS Ameraucanas and my BBS Wheaten Ameraucanas if you'd like to check those out as well!
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Late for Week 3 pics, but I got them! 3 weeks, 4 days:

#1- Dark Baby. Possibly a boy, and if so, his name will be Silas.
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Just had to throw in the pic of him trying to get the camera! He's a little character. He's the same size as my 2 week old Marans babies. Much smaller than the others.

#2- Light Baby. Possibly a girl, and if so, her name will be Sylvia.
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Her leg is still really messed up, but she seems to be thriving, so I'm going to keep her. May not breed her though, as I'm worried she won't be able to handle the boys jumping on her. We'll see. She's the sweetest thing though. Until next week everyone!
Here they are! 1 week old...

#1- Light Baby (will have Yellow Band) She has an injured foot. May be either a broken toe or just a leg tendon/joint issue. Not sure. She gets around fine though.
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#2- Darker Baby (will have Purple Band)
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There they are! Can't wait to see how much they grow in the next week. Feel free to share any thoughts on them! Until next time!
Well, Light Baby's leg is not getting any better. It's actually worse now. Looks so painful, but she doesn't seem to be in any pain and gets around just as good as the other babies. The only time she acts like it hurts is when one of the others steps on her leg while she's trying to walk. Other than that, she seems fine. I wanna prepare you though, it's not pretty looking...
Here's the Week 2 pics for them:

#1- Light Baby
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#2- Darker Baby
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I still have no idea whether we've got boys, girls, or one of each. I was really hoping I'd be able to tell by now, but it looks like we're gonna have to wait til they get their breast feathers in. Hopefully next week we'll be able to tell. In the meantime, aren't they beautiful? I love them.
Oh, also, I'm planning on getting some more Silver hatching eggs from the same breeder to see if we can get a few more babies. I don't really think I'll be able to breed Light Baby with that leg. So, fingers crossed we can get some more babies to keep track of here!
So I was reading up on the Silver variety a bit more, with regards to early gender identification, and I came across this
I screenshot important posts so I don't have to dig thru a bunch of stuff again. Anyway, after reading this, I went out to feed and water the babies and noticed something...
This is Light Baby's tail...notice the striping
And this is Darker Baby's tail...looks pure black to me (even more so in person) Also seems to have some pure black coming in on its wing...another sign of a male?

Just thought I'd share this new evidence I've observed. Hopefully in a week or so it'll be a lot clearer who is what. I'll continue to update any changes I see, even if it isn't a weekly photo update day.
ETA: After posting, I noticed another thing...Darker Baby also seems to have thicker legs, perhaps another indicator??

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