Silver and platinum wood ducks

From my past experience yes, the silvers produced from split to split should be on the darker side. Mind you, back when I was into them they were pretty new and people weren't breeding them with whites and apricots yet. I don't know what affect other color mutations mixed into the lineage has had on silvers these days. Anyone know?

Okay. Thanks. I do not know the effects of the different colors. I have a silver drake paired up with a white hen, but I need to separate those. The silver drake that is paired up with the white hen I believe is from a silver dad and apricot hen, or vice versa. We is not that dark like I mentioned... I believe that most of the offspring were silver, but I never bothered asking what else was produced.
I fail terribly on genetics! So Im no help at all. I miss Maurice. He was a really good fellow and got alot of people into waterfowl. I bought several ducks from him a long time ago and he always liked to talk birds. Seems like the Europeans seem to be the ones on the forefront of the mutations and color makers now.
Blue creek farm can u post some pics of your birds

Sure. I have plenty of pictures, but I will take more today. I am always trying to get a picture of the temminck's tragopan frontal display, but I never have my camera with me when he does is. Are there any birds in particular that you would like to see? In the meantime you can look on my profile page and look at the album titled My Waterfowl Collection.
I fail terribly on genetics! So Im no help at all. I miss Maurice. He was a really good fellow and got alot of people into waterfowl. I bought several ducks from him a long time ago and he always liked to talk birds. Seems like the Europeans seem to be the ones on the forefront of the mutations and color makers now.

I wish I knew about genetics too! Don't get me started on peafowl genetics since I am a lost cause there! I agree with the comment about the European breeders being the color makers. You might have seen this website, but it seems like each time I look that there is some new color: You just have to translate the page to make navigation easier. My uncle who is in Europe is planning on getting into waterfowl, so I hope he can get some nice color mutations so that when I visit I will have something awesome to see!

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