silver collection coturnix


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 24, 2014
Welp. Counting down the hours now. It's day 15 since putting my schofield silver collection from jmf in the incubator. Super excited for what's to come to the bay area with these. WISH ME LUCK :)
At the moment this is all i have. Naturally more to come.
Don't lose hope yet! I've heard of people having them hatch on day 18. If you're a curious/impatient person (like myself haha) Try picking up an egg, give it a VERY light tap, then hold it right up to your ear. By this stage you SHOULD be able to hear the chicks moving in the egg, or even a peep.
Well, woke up morning day 18 and we have 2 chicks now. YAHOO!!. Can't wait to go home at lunch and check on the rest. Pictures to come.
So far there's 4. This Lil guy is a speedster running everywhere inside.
So far there's 5 after day 18. There doesn't look like there's any other pips which concerns me. I'll remain optimistic and hope more to come tomorrow.

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