Silver Laced Wyandotte - Rooster?

That last pic looks like a 3ish month old cockerel to me. the legginess, overall shape etc looks like a young male.

do you have pics of when you first got this bird? And when was that, so we can narrow down age.
Hi @donrae

Thank you for bothering, I appreciate it. I bought it as a pullet on 11 Jan, from a lovely lady who had so many similar age birds running around a small space that it was a case of her grabbing one as it came within reach, rather than actually choosing. She thought some of them could be up to 15 weeks. I wasn't entirely convinced I was making a sensible decision as it did have the start of wattles though they were pinker than a lot of the others. She guesstimated it was about 12-14 weeks at the time. This is the first photo I have of it, taken 4 days later on 15 Jan.


The following two were taken 10 days after I bought him, and 5 days after the above photo, when according to the breeder he should have been between 13.5 weeks to 15.5 weeks. I had a pullet from elsewhere reliably aged 14 weeks and he was slightly smaller than her, hence my thinking he was younger than the breeder had thought, and was now only now aged 12-14 weeks. At this point I think most of us thought he was a roo.



So here were are now, with photos taken in the last couple of days; it is now more than 6 weeks since I first bought this bird home. His comb and wattles aren't really changed in the last 4 or 5 weeks. They've been this colour for weeks, which kind of brings doubt as to whether he's a pullet getting ready to lay? He's now a lot smaller than the pullet I got from somewhere else, and still hasn't got much of a tail. But yes, just look at those long legs. If the breeder was right, he should now be 18 to 20 weeks. I'd be very grateful for any thoughts, thank you so much in advance.

Ok so I am new to the site we had bought a bantam around Octoberish is it a roo or no?

Hi, you need to tell people how old your bird was when you got it. It looks a good bit older than mine and not a Wyandotte! I don't mind at all that you jumped in on my thread, but I think you might do better to delete your post and repost yours in a new thread so that people can give your question that attention it deserves, because your answers could get confused with mine! Lots of wonderfully helpful people on here. All the best!
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Sorry I was told it was , didn't mean to be a bother just thought I could get some help and if I knew how to delete the post I would
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@bgil No way are you a bother! I'm fairly new to keeping chicken too and I've had wonderful help from this group! I've found that no question of mine (basic though they usually are) has ever been treated as silly or inconsequential. We all have to learn and I'm doing that with the amazing people on here. I am learning all the time. Yours is beautiful, and I see someone has already answered you :)

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