Singing Fish to Deter Predators?

Enchanted Sunrise Farms

12 Years
Apr 26, 2007
Fair Oaks, California
i was listening to a garden show the other day on the radio as i drove around. They happened to be discussing how to rid your yard and sheds of skunks. i listened intently, as we currently have a problem with Mrs. Pepe Le Pew and her two little pewettes. One caller said he has a three sided storage barn that used to always be frequented by skunks. But then he got one of those motion-activated Big Mouth Billy Bass singing fish plaques, laid it on the floor, and no skunks now for six years.

So, i'm wondering if anyone has tried anything like this - either a singing fish, or maybe one of those singing Christmas trees, or some such. i'm willing to try it, but my husband thinks our neighbors will kill us, having to listen to a singing fish all night long.
I would do bad things to the fish, and you would find it in your bed as a warning...

I'm having an issue with skunks right now too....and it just so happens my Mom has one of those stupid fish. I wonder if she'd notice if I took it home with me.

Has anyone ever used a radio at night? Or is it the element of surprise that scares them away?

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