Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

I know people who get huge headaches when they don't get coffee.

That would be me - caffeine addict that I am.

Me addict.....bad things happen if I don't get my fix.

Wow a lot of you have that. :p

I don't usually drink a lot of caffeine, but if i don't get my 2 cups a day in I will usually end up with one too.
My doctor said that coffee is good for me! 
(He also treats me for headaches, so -you know- drink up guys! A strong cup of coffee with sugar and three to four Motrin and migraine be gone. For a little while anyway.)

Its always good to have an excuse, right? :p :)  
Oh, no, it's true - my doctor AND my chiropractor have both told me to "short circuit" a migraine when it first starts, by taking aspirin with a cup of coffee.

Of course, I do have the coffee addiction, so I HAVE to drink coffee or I will get a withdrawal headache.

If I manage to find myself without coffee in the house, I better have some diet Pepsi, or I'll start going into caffeine withdrawal.
Oh, no, it's true - my doctor AND my chiropractor have both told me to "short circuit" a migraine when it first starts, by taking aspirin with a cup of coffee.

Of course, I do have the coffee addiction, so I HAVE to drink coffee or I will get a withdrawal headache.

If I manage to find myself without coffee in the house, I better have some diet Pepsi, or I'll start going into caffeine withdrawal.

I have heard of that. Better to keep coffee on hand! Yep.
Woke up to rain and wind outside our open window. I let the dogs out. Then I performed my coffee ritual, :) I heat the filtered water in my whistling tea kettle on the stove. I get my beans out of the freezer and grind them. Then they go into the French press. When the kettle makes that heated just right but not boiling noise, I pour it into the press to steep.

While it steeps I make breakfast. This morning it is scrambled eggs with cheese (and a splash of milk), sliced ham, toasted bagels with cream cheese, and orange juice. I woke up hungry - DH is a very happy camper.

Anyway, back to the coffee. I love to press down the plunger on the press and smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The first cup has a lovely froth and I have learned to put my milk in my mug first to preserve the frothy bubbles (yes I love the combination of milk and coffee, and I miss my goats).

I savor my first sip of this delicious brew. I love the smell. I love the flavors. It puts a smile on my face to start my day.

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