Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Hagar3, thanks for the tip.

Alaskan, great photo. I love snow because I rarely see it. My local forecast has changed so that was are expecting freezing rain tonight. I hope we don't have to crank up the generator.

3goodeggs, I've tried so hard to love hot tea, to no avail.
Still an awesome view! Just glad it's not my view!

And eventually I will drink enough tea to go to the store and buy some COFFEE.
Tea is wonderful. I love tea.
There are times for tea...BUT MORNING IS NOT ONE OF THEM! aaaaaaaa

I agree wholeheartedly!!! When I run out of my coffee though I use DSO's instant coffee
to get me to the store!
Snowing in VA.....again!!! Yuk! But the girls must think its spring. Getting an extra egg almost every day. 5 then 6 and today I got 7! So pretty too!
Yay !!!! more eggs!!!
Boooo!!!! more snow!!!!
Quote: I think he only took back part of it!!! We're getting -7o tonight and tomorrow night.

You must be pretty chilly with no fire, Alaskan!

You tracked down my new coop page!

So cool, that you left a comment!

Anyway, there are now more pictures up, but a few of them I will replace with better ones, since too much of my junk is showing in a few shots.

I also spruced up my main coop page.

So, my big coop page:

That front door drives me batty. A child "helping" me paint put that big spot of red on the door, and since I didn't get it fixed in the summer, I will have to wait for summer to roll around again to fix it. I have one child voting that I paint the door butter yellow. I am thinking maybe I will paint it the same red as the rest of the coop, but I am not sure that I want it dark. So, maybe I will paint it butter. Dunno. Any votes?

And here is my small coop page:

I keep looking at coop pages, wondering if I use the right paint on my junky Muscovy coop, if that will make it look cuter.

My spouse has made some "no more coops on my property, ever, ever again." This is a bit of a problem, since I was thinking of moving the duck coop in the summer, and sticking it under some spruce along with a great big brand new run.

Now I am wondering of there is some way I can camouflage it. hummm. There is a thick stand of scrub on the West side of the pond, I could stick it in there.......... If I put it way behind the barn it will be completely unseen, but also a bit far for winter water hauling.

Perhaps just building it, and pretending it isn't there, is the best choice? Of course, it wouldn't be building a new coop, just new fence, and moving an old coop.

Tricky tricky trying to decide how far to push the spouse.

As you can tell, Alaskan is not a good spouse. Alaskan is the sort of spouse that must be put up with. *sigh*
Good morning from sunny, er, I mean snowy Georgia.

-beautiful snow!! We just have a sheet of ice on the roads. -schools are canceled, college is canceled, so the kids are at home. -two cups of coffee down the hatch and chicken chores on the horizon. -think that the kids shall be commandeered to aid in the chores.

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