Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Good morning! It is a pretty day today. We have had rain and rain and thunderstorms and rain, and today... SUN!

It's a whompin' 9 F today, sunny and bright with a predicted high of 19 F. C'mon folks, this is NJ not the arctic! Winter storm Titan approaches, and they are hedging their bets - it's gonna be a bad'un.

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Darn it grateful for the warmth. Today's high here is forecast to be 6 degrees and snow for this evening. All I can do is go to work, have my coffee and live vicariously here on the site.
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Darn it grateful for the warmth. Today's high here is forecast to be 6 degrees and snow for this evening. All I can do is go to work, have my coffee and live vicariously here on the site.

Probably the above is coupled with 40 mph winds.
Constant winds would push me over the edge.
I think the amount of time the temperature has been above freezing in the month of February will easily be measured in hours instead of days. And when the temps are as low as they are, a little wind makes it feel like -20 to -30. It's just soul-grinding.
morning everyone! HAPPY DANCE! We didn't hit -30F last night!
It's only a balmy actual minus 27 F right now
Windchill? Don't want to know.

Oh well. Tomorrow's March so it has to get warmer, right???? At least my feathered children are happy. The radiant heater is doing it's job very well and the temp at roost level this morning is a comfy +39.

All this talk of hatching and incubators has to stop!!! My little fuzzy butts won't arrrive until the second week of April (I delayed as late into spring as I could. Our summers are so short we run into the problem of having birds big enough to handle the winter) and I am starting to get REALLY nervous about the ship date. This cold had better break by then!!! It's a special small shipment of some quality Aussie pullets.
I paid a lot for the shipping but they assure me they will be well packed and with heat packs if necessary. It is a great hatchery and comes highly recommended for the quality of their birds.

Ok, I was so far behind again I am not going to attempt to catch up on comments except to tell ALASKAN to stop teasing us with all those yummy treats!!!

Now I have to get all these animals off my feet and get moving. We are heading to town this morning. .that is if the vehicle isn't frozen solid.

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I am going to BURST!

HOW will I not start incubating?

but I just keep surfing the Internet for hatching eggs. *sigh*
Me too, I have 2 broodies right now sitting on 9 eggs each that I haven't really told my husband about

There is CHOCOLATE pecan pie??? Of course there is. Everything is chocolate these days. I've just never had any!
My Aunt makes a KILLER Chocolate BOURBON pecan pie!!!!!!!

I make the best pie crust that I have ever tasted.

And chocolate mouse cake, flourless pecan cake, apple pie, southern drop biscuits, home made egg noodles


Now I am hungry!

I was already thinking of making covered in cream something for supper.
Alright y'all are just killing me....

I think the amount of time the temperature has been above freezing in the month of February will easily be measured in hours instead of days. And when the temps are as low as they are, a little wind makes it feel like -20 to -30. It's just soul-grinding.
I am honestly just DONE with this winter. DONE, I tell you. I need spring in a big way NOW. I am done with frozen waterers. I am done with scraping my car window I am done with never being warm no matter where I go.

that said, not looking forward to the mud season either. I want the mid april flowers start to pop out and buds are on the trees season. I want to be able to go put the Chickens away at night without having to wrap myself up like an eskimo.

but I have coffee!!!!! and it's hot!!!!! (sticky buns this weekend might be just the thing!)
Wow Sourland, our cold is bone chilling (-27F thid morning) but at least no storm or high winds. Hope you at least will hold onto your power!

'Bone chilling' is appropriate verbage. Single digits HURT my old hands. Negative temps , and they would probably freeze and shatter. In 2011 we had an early winter snow storm (leaves still on the trees) that knocked out the power for a week. Then in 2012 exactly one year later Sandy knocked out the power for ten days. Last year we installed a generator big enough to handle the whole house plus a propane tank that should last up to 2 weeks. Not wishing bad on anyone else, but I no longer care if we lose power. It's a good feeling. After 3 or 4 days of no power/washing the Princess no longer wants to snuggle with me. That's unacceptable.

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