Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

I don't think I would so so well with only 3 months of warmth.

Wow! I cannot imagine having frosts during the summer!! -only 90 days of growing - that would be tough! Don't get me wrong, I loathe the excessive heat here from mid-June through September. Having such a short summer, though, would seem strange. I suppose it is all a matter of perspective or to what one is accustomed.
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...sipping the afternoon mug. School was canceled due to ice this day. -daughter has been busy sewing......something. I'm not exactly sure what she's making, but she's enjoying her day and creating stuff.

-chickens finally came outdoors when it reached about 23 degrees. I envy all of you getting new babies!! -went to the feed store a few weeks back and they had tons of new chicks. -wanted to bring some home so badly - BUT, I cannot take on any more. My flock o' ten will have to do. :/

I will only have "10" when I'm done too. ;) It works like being age 29! :D
Paws wrapped around a warm mug. Just got home from some afternoon errands and I swear, the temperature has dropped about 20 degrees in the last two hours!
Oh, I thought you were talking about what we call "tulip tree" here...the tulip poplar! LOLOL

We call the decorative one "deciduous magnolia." but you are right, it does look more lilke a tulip.

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