Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)



I wonder if the whole movie is on Youtube in little snippets?
Tried the coconut oil, however it just floats to the top.. Not mixed enough for me.. We add to oatmeal now, or cook with it..

I've noticed the same thing. I found that 1t in 16oz of coffee doesn't float as badly, but the guys at Versatile Health use a blender.
But I think that putting it in oatmeal would be better.

I was day dreaming before I realized I poured the maple syrup into the French press.. Agh, now I am semi awake..
Notice I had to edit..

Oh, my!

Ooooo, I've just discovered this thread! Coffee is the only thing that keeps me sane with three children 5 years old and under. Filling up my French press is the highlight of my morning.

Coffee all day, erryday.

I did that!!! Six years later, I had another.

It takes a lot of coffee and tea and dark chocolate (and the strength of God) to get me through the week!!!!
I found this:

while looking for this:

uh, I mean
never fun. What commercial was it, that had all of these tired adults in it (maybe for a mattress) and the one parent pours coffee into his kids cereal bowl!
lots of fun
It's an oatmeal commercial. Another one talked about a "human energy crisis".
At that age....uh.... Well, nope, there is no hope.
Unless your 5 yr old still naps....then there is the joy of nap-time, during which you really gotta nap too. @BunnyTheSlayer , This is the voice of experience talking, Alaskan is right, sleep when the kids sleep....and I'm telling you, don't worry about the house and the cleaning and the laundry, you need to stay sane for your family.

My youngest just turned 6..... We, the parents, now get to sleep.... No, see, the guy I married, half the kids we have want to sleep with Mommy until their twenty. My oldest insisted on me sleeping on the couch with her until she was six, and like ten years later, she says that she would still sleep with me if I'd let her. My youngest still has sleeping trouble. This is how I feel after a week of him disturbing my sleep: 0.o


I live in Texas, the heavenly land of HEB grocery stores. Their store brand (Cafe Ole!) coffee is great, and they have a "Houston Blend" which is magnifique!!

If I can't have that, I like most Sumatra grinds or Breakfast Blends.

I enjoy my coffee with a pinch of stevia and tbsp of half & half.
I know this one isn't a chicken welcome....I like seashell things, so I picked this one. =)
But here's a cup of coffee:
I've noticed the same thing. I found that 1t in 16oz of coffee doesn't float as badly, but the guys at Versatile Health use a blender. But I think that putting it in oatmeal would be better. Oh, my! I did that!!! Six years later, I had another.:th It takes a lot of coffee and tea and dark chocolate (and the strength of God) to get me through the week!!!! I found this:
while looking for this:
I know this one isn't a chicken welcome....I like seashell things, so I picked this one. =) But here's a cup of coffee:
and a peacock!
she stopped napping when she turned two. There was much weeping and gnashing of teeth that day. My four year old also does not nap, but thank you sweet baby Jesus that my almost three year old still naps! I'll take what I can get.

Napping two and a half year old and hot, black, dark roast coffee. Yussss.

Also, I'd never heard about the Jimmy Carter vs. Rabbit incident. I think thats my new favorite thing. Bunny is what my husband calls me
and the slayer is in reference to my cat who kills all moving things. So....yes....I've lost my train of thought....

That's what all of mine have done (stopped napping at about 2, and the weeping and gnashing of teeth).
All my trains of thought get lost too......

Well, bunnies like running down rabbit trails!

Oh yes! The Good old days.

Reminds me of Prs. Ford tripping while chewing gum....
That's nothing! I do that all the time.........

What happened while I was gone?

You were gone?

The rabbits have gone crazy! That's what has happened lol

Hey, now! Why do you assume it has anything to do with me?!!

Just a guess...

Yes, it is interesting how as tiny things, you can't get them to sleep all night, and you need duct tape to keep them from waking you up before 7am. Then there is a special time where, as you said, dynamite is needed to get them out of bed.

I don't have mall problems....I have food problems. I am starting to wonder if I will have to do what the Sackett's did. "If you want to eat, here is one bullet, come home with your own food"
Oh, yeah, I like that idea. I'll have to figure out how to propose that to DH....Hmmmm

That's exactly how I feel about Saturday!!!

and coffee, especially the last one.

Broody butt finally slept on the roost last night!!!

35 day fight finally over!

I don't plan on fighting with broodies. I don't care if they brood anything or nothing or how many chicks they have, as long as they sleep somewhere SAFE!!!


Ooo! Ooo! I know! I know! Pick me!!!!!!

Evening everyone!
just relaxing with my favorite mug listening to the rain. A well needed, steady solid downpour. Means I don't have to drag out the hoses tomorrow

Made a trip into town this morning, which borders on insanity on a Saturday up here during tourist season, to go to the farmer's market. Very few veggies available up here yet but I got a nice organic free range chicken for Sunday dinner, some wonderful garlic and chive soft goat cheese and fresh Amish baked bread to smear it on, yum! Supper tonight was BLT's made with Nueske's maple bacon and of course slabs of the Amish bread, heaven. The seller with the chicken had some really nice looking heritage turkey pullets for only $10 a piece and I was really tempted but I just don't have the room. Unable to pass up a chance at enabling however, I called my neighbor and told her about them

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