Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

54 degrees 2 days in a row! Lovin it!
I love this weather! Afternoon highs of 70 degrees and a breeze!

Celsius to fahrenheit? Calculator smalculator. Internet is quick! 82.4
(edited for dyslexia-ness)

Excellent job 3goodeggs!
Your puppy sounds wonderful!

Great day to drink coffee with the girls in the morning!

Now I just need to find one of these places!

I'll be out working on the

Have a great day everyone!
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To the uninitiated, it sounds like: BARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARK.
She really likes morning.

I speak puppy that last "BARK" translates to -- NOW!!!!

(I love puppies
but true!

37o F THIS MORNING no math just a heavy sweater.

where do you live? Pluto?
It's cold enough here that I dug out the winter house coat and a blanket to sit outside on the swing with my coffee... even got a bigger cup so my hands would stay warm! It's in the high 50's right now but once the sun comes over the mountain the temp will shoot up and then I'll have to consider turning on the air conditioner. That was done yesterday but only because it was canning day... Apricots... Yum!
It's cold enough here that I dug out the winter house coat and a blanket to sit outside on the swing with my coffee... even got a bigger cup so my hands would stay warm! It's in the high 50's right now but once the sun comes over the mountain the temp will shoot up and then I'll have to consider turning on the air conditioner. That was done yesterday but only because it was canning day... Apricots... Yum!
oh,that sounds like a beautiful way to enjoy your morning cup!!!! I just have two crittters curled up on me using me as a heating blanket. Chilly in the house but it will warm up soon (but definitely not to air conditioner temps) so i refuse to start a fire. Probably high 60's F today. Perfect working weather with no rain, maybe sigh, so I can get some work in the garden done.

I would love to see Utah some day.
I found the calculator.
My eyes do not like morning.

They agree with the rest of the body.

Morning starts early around here.

We have a puppy.

To the uninitiated, it sounds like: BARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARK.
She really likes morning.

.... these are small buttons. How do people text?
.....82 point something.

sweater weather.
So glad someone did that math!!

It's cold enough here that I dug out the winter house coat and a blanket to sit outside on the swing with my coffee... even got a bigger cup so my hands would stay warm! It's in the high 50's right now but once the sun comes over the mountain the temp will shoot up and then I'll have to consider turning on the air conditioner. That was done yesterday but only because it was canning day... Apricots... Yum!
Sounds like a beautiful morning! Welcome to the thread!

My coffee enjoyment was cut short this morning. 1) woke up late, 2) sat up second incubator to be ready for eggs Friday, 3)checked email to be sure ordered eggs were paid for, 4) kids informe me that crosscountry practice was moved up 30minutes and we are now late
. No relaxing before work today!
oh,that sounds like a beautiful way to enjoy your morning cup!!!!  I just have two crittters curled up on me using me as a heating blanket.  Chilly in the house but it will warm up soon (but definitely not to air conditioner temps) so i refuse to start a fire.  Probably high 60's F today.  Perfect working weather with no rain, maybe sigh, so I can get some work in the garden done.

I would love to see Utah some day.

Hi chickisoup, I have a cat we call DAC that likes to use us as a heating blanket as well. He has to sit on the left side, he only wants to be petted three and a half times, he has to be allowed to bring his toy up with him,... There's a reason we call him DAC :/. We have sun and its up above 80 now. With the cool mornings if we watch the windows we really don't need to use the air. No seance turning on the air when I would rather be outside anyway :).

So glad someone did that math!!

Sounds like a beautiful morning!  Welcome to the thread!

My coffee enjoyment was cut short this morning.  1) woke up late, 2) sat up second incubator to be ready for eggs Friday, 3)checked email to be sure ordered eggs were paid for, 4) kids informe me that crosscountry practice was moved up 30minutes and we are now late:barnie .  No relaxing before work today!

Hi Puddin Fluff, thank you! After reading about your morning I think you need to call for a do-over! Here's hoping tomorrow morning is a more relaxing one!
[COLOR=FF0000]37o F THIS MORNING no math just a heavy sweater.[/COLOR]

Can Coffee Be Good For You?

by Deborah Tukua | Tuesday, September 6th, 2011 | From: Healthy Living
Do you start the day with a hot cup of java? If so, you’re among millions who do. For years, coffee has been branded as a bad guy in the beverage family. Does this drink deserve its bad reputation? The latest studies may prompt you to raise a mug and cheer.
Benefits: Did you know that coffee is a very important source of antioxidants in our diets? Coffee provides more antioxidants than anything else, because coffee is consumed more frequently than any other source of antioxidants. Caffeine, another important compound in coffee, induces the production of certain enzymes that help neutralize some potential cancer-causing substances in the body. Drip coffeemakers yield more caffeine per cup than other brewing methods, including espresso.
Heart Disease. Men who drank more than five cups of coffee a day reduced their risk of developing heart disease by 44 percent. Women who drank four to five cups each day lowered their risk by 34 percent.
Dementia and Memory. Those drinking three to five cups of coffee a day during middle age can decrease the chance of dementia up to 65 percent. “Caffeine grows brain cells in the areas of the brain responsible for long-term memory,” state authors Bennett Alan Weinberg and Bonnie K. Bealer in The Caffeine Advantage. Caffeine increases short-term memory, concentration, and the ability to think clearly.
Diabetes. Drinking six or more cups of coffee daily reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 54 percent in men and 30 percent in women.
Lung Health and Asthma Relief. The chemical makeup of the caffeine in coffee can give the same effect as the asthma drug, theophylline. Caffeine helps expand air passages and keeps the respiratory muscles strong. Drinking two cups of coffee can help you breathe better for up to four hours.
And the list goes on … To read more benefits of moderate coffee drinking, pick up a copy of the 2012 Farmers’ Almanac !
it's also likely to cause heart damage and can lead to infertility. Convenient they left that part out? Even at some of these levels they suggest as "moderate. "
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Recent studies do not find heart damage. The older studies did not correct for smoking, obesity and etc.

In Fact, as quoted in the OP, coffee has heart benefits.

Indications are that this is quite true. Heart problems with overuse of caffeine laden energy drinks may be another situation.

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