Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

I have been successful putting the ducklings in the brooder with the chicks. Once they are feathered out I provide some water for them to bathe in. For over a year a kiddie pool has worked well. My ducks are Mallards. I have a Drake that is just now growing his adult plumage in. I can see an increase in the head plumage daily.

Thanks. I've been doing some research and getting some responses. chuck is larger than all the chickies, but the same age and the chickies seem to have imprited on him/her, they just follow it around. I am told it is a black muscovy.

Good afternoon all, getting a late start.

Hi. Welcome. I have beenhatching, working, yard saleing and had relatives in town. No late starts for me this weekend. Lots of coffee!

Okay.  Thanks for all your help, advice, and encouragement! =D

Teachick, hope your littile one gets better.
@Puddin Fluff

Huh! (About you being told the duckling us a black Muscovy).

As to being a Muscovy, I think all ducks look very similar at hatch, so :confused:

As to a black Muscovy.... Really?

I don't have black ones, I have blue, brown, and silver. With mine, they hatch out with yellow where they will eventually be white and they have color in the areas that will eventually have color.


I think black would work the same, has to start with color as a duckling.
@Puddin Fluff

Huh! (About you being told the duckling us a black Muscovy).

As to being a Muscovy, I think all ducks look very similar at hatch, so :confused:

As to a black Muscovy.... Really?

I don't have black ones, I have blue, brown, and silver. With mine, they hatch out with yellow where they will eventually be white and they have color in the areas that will eventually have color.


I think black would work the same, has to start with color as a duckling.

It has black at the tip of its tail, otherwise it is yellow. The lady who gave to me knew I was hatching chicks. Last time her duck surprise hatched, her cats had duckling surprise for breakfast. She found this one alone on her porch and didn't want it to have the same fate.
Wow! I just checked my last post and it's been over 3 weeks! "Holy Toledo Batman!" Ok so I live close to Toledo and always liked that phrase! I may have to change that to "Holy Chicken, Batman!"

First, I've been pretty busy finishing up as much carpentry fixes left from the carpenter from ...Hello! And working very hard and long on the chicken run. I want to finish everything up before fall so I can relax and enjoy. I barely have had time to read all the BYC threads.
And am so tired I can't even think of responding. And I have literally fallen asleep in the middle of reading them.
But today went well on the run. It's taken me 2 summers to finish so far and I am determined the run WILL be finished, The coop WILL be painted, and the inside of the coop WILL be modified! (Chicken math)

And second lightning hit our telephone line and internet during a lightning storm and it took the phone company almost 2 weeks to fix! There were 18 poles down 3 days AFTER ours went out but the phone company fixed all of those first. So we had to wait.

HELLO everyone! I've missed everyone!!!! Chicks are doing great! Except for 1 - 14 week old BCM has a partially impacted crop. I babied her for over a week with no improvement, and she really missed her flockmates, being away from them in sickbay, so I have let her be a chickie with her flock and she is doing well, hanging in there having fun being a chick. I check her twice a day. I have 4 groups integrated now : Oldest flock of Blue Marans and EE at 2 years, the only 2 left of my original girls, and 2 RIR and a BO from last years new ones; and this years additions of 2 silkies at 22 weeks mixed with 4 white leghorns, 2 white rocks, 2 SLW, 1 BO, 1 EE, 1 Ameracauna, all 20 weeks. And at 14 weeks 2 BCM, 1 GLW, 2 OE, 1 SF. My only problem is the old RIRs have decided to get EXTRA bossy and are chasing the others sometimes.
One has even taken to " playing rooster" .
I have put her in confinement for a couple of days but it didn't work. she was better today but not much. I hope when I get the inside of the coop redone and new roosts built where they're new for everyone she straightens up! I tell the little ones they don't have to put up with her and they should peck her back but they don't listen.
I may rehome the reds. So far no blood so I will wait and see.

Sorry for any losses! and Congratulations on hatches, new chickies and duckies! And Thanks for sharing all the very nice pictures! and the funnies!

3 weeks is just too long to go and mention everything. But I doo i have a few mentions I feel I must make...

@chickisoup So sorry for all of your troubles! Prayers and I hope all goes well with with your BIL surgery
. Glad your little angel is doing well now! How scary for you! Such a cutie too! And Congratulations on your remission!!!! Way to go Chicki!!!

@Bunnylady Thanks for posting all the videos! Love 'em! I take a walk down memory lane with each one!
@Alaskan You just keep ordering those little chickies! As Martha would say "It's a good thing!"

@ronott1 Nice pics of the voles! (And all your other pics too!) I need voles. I had my almost 20 year old grandson down for 2 days and we put down 440 square feet of hardwood floor. It took us almost 2 days but we did it! and DSO said it was a very professional looking job. I got to spend QT with my grandson and teach him a little DIY. It was awesome! I miss having voles around on a regular basis!

@3goodeggs :
Yeah, Me Too!
@TeaChick Thanks for the PM!
And my girl with the vent gleet is doing great!

Even though I haven't posted I AM Still drinking coffe and am even making it stronger! Think about this thread with every cup! Not only is coffee running through the veins, so is this thread!

And last (for tonight anyway) but not least...

To ALL of the new members to BYC and to the "Coffee Thread"

And to all...A good Night!!!

I have two ducks sitting on eggs.... I thought they should have hatched on Friday...

But then, you never know with broodies, and my duck eggs seem to always be late...maybe I am just of no account..... I mean, maybe I just can't count.

So, today I thought, come ON, there has got to be some hatching going on!

I crouched my way into the duck coop, and squatted down next to the box where the two ducks are brooding and talked nicely to them. Keks is older, and she was only a little put out about me being there. Creamy in only one year old, and she was very upset. So, I thought getting shorter, while talking to her would help her feel less threatened.

Must say, I obviously failed at that. I must have managed to imitate a crouching tiger or something similar. Creamy launched herself right at me, it is truly a wonder she didn't actually get me.

Sooooooooooo..... Before the failed attempt to rip off my face, I am pretty sure I heard a duckling peep under Keks, and since Creamy had to leave her nest for a few seconds to launch herself at me, I clearly saw that her eggs are still all chicks.

Also, WOW, there are alot of eggs under her! As in, the one duck who is not currently broody has obviously been laying a bunch of eggs in there.


I am going to have to decide to throw out a bunch of partly developed ducklings, or do another "perpetual hatch for a complete month" duck egg thing. :he
It has black at the tip of its tail, otherwise it is yellow. The lady who gave to me knew I was hatching chicks. Last time her duck surprise hatched, her cats had duckling surprise for breakfast. She found this one alone on her porch and didn't want it to have the same fate.
the ones that hatch out yellow with color on the under side of their tail will be barred.
Chickwhispers, welcome back.

Alaskan, best of luck with the ducks.

Subhanalah, I am very curious about my duckling. I read a great article that I wanted to share. But my teenage son crashed our computer so I have only my tablet to work with and I don't know how to put a link in with it.

Coffee by the koi pond this morning. Cockrels crowing in the pasture. One last hatchling drying in the bator and a crowd of fluffy butts dashing around he brooder.

:D. Have a blessed Sunday all.
Chickwhispers, welcome back.

Alaskan, best of luck with the ducks.

Subhanalah, I am very curious about my duckling. I read a great article that I wanted to share. But my teenage son crashed our computer so I have only my tablet to work with and I don't know how to put a link in with it.

Coffee by the koi pond this morning. Cockrels crowing in the pasture. One last hatchling drying in the bator and a crowd of fluffy butts dashing around he brooder.

:D. Have a blessed Sunday all.

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