Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Chicki, glad to hear the puppy is doing good. Any news on your husbands brother?
yes! thank you for asking

He came thru the surgery well. They were not able to remove all of the tumor due to the location so he must go thru radiation therapy. He has some challenges with weakness on one side and some minor memory loss but everyone is very positive about the long term prognosis.
The family is a bit upset because he was forced to leave the hospital only 2 days after BRAIN surgery due to the "coverage" but his wife has great support from family close by so they are managing.
Good Morning!

It's been over a week! Better than 3 weeks.
Welcome to the new folks!
Sorry for any losses and illnesses. Congratulations on any new hatches and additions!

I am getting closer to being done with the run. Still hoping to get the coop painted. I did get the roosts and inside reconfigured. I took out a dividing wall with 3 doors and opened it all up. Added an antique galvanized metal 10 hole nest box. It was 15 but the bottom row was rusted and bent so badly it was dangerous so DSO and I removed it. I spent 2 hours getting 8 rustly nuts & bolts removed and DSO got home got out his grinder and removed 10 in about 10 minutes.
I wish I had waited! Then I used it took off 12 in about 15 minutes, put it up and the girls started using it the next day! I also got some horizontal nipple waterers and configured a bucket. I keep showing them but they won't use it. I push in the nipple they act all interested in the water and then when I take my finger away they try to get water from my finger!
!!!! They are too funny! I still have 2 aggressive RIR's. I will try to rehome in a couple of weeks. I had hoped with the new coup configuration they would settle down but no such luck.

I hoped to post some pics this morning. I am sitting at the auto shop getting the truck worked on. (Broken spring) So I brought my computer and tried to import the pics off my phone, because uploading from the computer is so much easier. But the pictures on my phone wouldn't finishing exporting to the computer!
Maybe later this week I'll be able to. I hope!

I seriously can't wait to be finished with the run and coop. I pulled a back muscle sometime in the last week and somedays I don't seem to accomplish much. But I'm sure it will be ok by the time I'm done.

Things are starting to warm up here. Expected highs of 90 for a few days and high humidity. But we too have a few deciduous trees turning color already.
Fall is just around the corner.

Everyone take care and have an excellent day!

look forward to seeing your pics and glad to hear you are making great progress on the new run and coop remodel

Yep, hate that when I fight with something for hours and DH comes by and says, "let me take care of that" and zip, it's done.
Where was he hours ago?
I want some of that too. I don't know what I'd use it for, but is sounds amazing. Anyone always buying rope and other stuff that you don't really have a use for, "but it's cheap and you never know when this will come in handy"?

Nope, I scrounge through the dump and take stuff home. Always "DUDE, this is FREE, I might be able to use it someday!!! "
I do! my husband and I go to auctions all the time! He even purchased a semi trailer to put all the "junky treasure" we buy in!
Quote: I love auctions!!! And flea markets!!! And rummage sales!!! DH rolls his eyes at stuff I bring home until he needs it and doesn't have to go pay full price at a store for it.
Then I get to use the......"I told you so" look. I love that look
Mine gets used at least three times, sometimes four, and my youngest is so much younger than my oldest that....I might be able to pass some of it on to my grandkids (if my kids have kids before the info is obsolete)....
Coffee is my excuse for talking too much this morning.....:D

We're in the Dog Days of Summer here!!!  Although, I think we've seen the last of the 100* mark this year and the sun is definitely coming up later than it was.
We don't have a school room, exactly; we don't have enough rooms in the house to dedicate a whole room to school (although we have enough school stuff and goings on to dedicate half the house to school stuff).  Anyway, I have mountains of stuff to go through too, so I will :hit with you  (and try to make my minions do as much of it as I can) :oops:

Hope your wife makes a speedy recovery!!!
So nice of you to sneak in good food for her! =)  My DH brought me and our youngest Chic-fil-A when he was in the ER all day with hives and fever (weird, conflicting symptoms and never figured it out).  That was the best way to feed all zillion of us and we hardly ever eat out, so it was nice not to have the dishes on top of all we'd been through that day.
I'm surprised it didn't cause all of you to get terrible bowel cramping since you weren't used to the fast food! Definitely a blessing!

Wrists are made up of a bunch of small bones, and there's a lot of force involved when you drop something as large as a person even just a couple of feet to the floor, so I can see that being the case.

Good to hear you are improving, chicka!

I assume the same could be true of an ankle? Explains a lot.
My kids have made a fantastic wallet out of duct tape.

My friend has a business that she makes and sells duct tape accessories. Purses, wallets...not sure what else, lol.

Morning everyone!
Nice, slow morning here.

The chooks are all happily fighting over who has the best piece of watermelon rind, the weather is just too wet enough to finish up what is left to do outside before winter, the coffee is hot and my now very healthy pup is sleeping soundly on the foot of my recliner doing her best to push my legs off so she can stretch out more.

Speaking of winter, on my drive to town yesterday I noticed that several of the few species of trees of the leafy variety that we have around here were starting to lose the green from their leaves and a few of them were even beginning to put on their autumn finery. The talking heads on the tv said that the crazy weather might be tricking them into turning earlier this year. Personal opinion? I believe, at least in our neck of the woods, we are in for a short fall and a long winter, sigh. I did hear some good news on the Rural Radio (RFD) channel yesterday that said tho the reserve propane supply is still over a million gallons below normal for this time of year, it is well above what it was last year and the current wholesale price per gallon right now is at $1 a gallon and the retail price is not expected to get anywhere near the ridiculous prices hit mid winter last year, barring another polar vortex, etc. of course.

Boy, you folks to the south can't get a break! I see where many of you are under heat advisories with high humidity. Storms, tornadoes, floods and now sticky heat! Your poor chookies!!!! I'll keep my comfy, foggy 60's thank you.

wishing you all a great day!

Somehow we have trees dropping leaves. It's been over 100 several days for about a month now. We're looking at 100*+ later this week. No personal opinion; just hope they stay dry long enough for me to get the minions to put them in the coop for DL.
No winter in sight here.
My personal opinion in fuel prices is that they're going to find a reason to stick it to the consumer for the purpose of lining their pockets regardless of supply, demand, and polar vortex.

The chooks don't seem to care.

Hope you've had a good day too!!!

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