Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

from my understanding thats part of why the coyotes range is expanding with the decline in the wolf packs they are moving in filling the apex predatory spot.. the wolfs howl n talk to each other in their territories which lead the coyotes range to be more controlled...coyotes are more opportunist hunters but with the expansion of their ranging and habits they are changing some of their food gathering skills
so far the coyote have not developed a pack big enough to take down my old dog.

I had a talk with my dad's nurse about four years ago and she had a terrible night when the coyote pack attacked her goats and only ate the udders leaving the goats alive with the pain. She and her husband learned how to hunt coyote.
I live on the St Johns River in north central Florida and large predators are alive and well here.
My neighbor says a cougar went across his deck and I have seen fox and what I have come to call Hell hounds which appear to be some kind of hybrid canine.
They are larger than a fox or coyote and run with their back down like a hyena.
That's not even counting death from the sky by owels and Eagles or Hawks.
I have not had any of them bother my chickens maybe because Mr Big keeps an eye out and barks when he hears something at 110lbs I guess they don't want to mess with him.LoL
Needless to say I don't free range my chickens and they are locked up securely at night.
So sorry for your loss @Puddin Fluff .

We didn't get much snow 2-3 inches maybe the same tomorrow night. But we got -7 last night/this morning. Warm up tomorrow 25F! Woo Hoo! gonna like that!
Thanks for the condolences.

Saw it again today but wasn't fast enough with the rifle. Llamas actually ran it before we could get a shot off. Pretty cold here and hard to just sit and wait. Hopefully our temps will break and well be able to sit in wait.:rant

I'm not really worried that it will get in. I'm only worried about our flyers that get out on occasion. The entire family is on high alert so we are all watching and listening. Wish it weren't so cold, I'd crack a window to hear better.
A coop meeting! Love it! but sorry for your loss

I am still trying to plow our 15 inches of snow with the tractor but I keep getting stuck so I took a coffee break... Maybe I need chains:idunno

chains and/or more weight.

We have special weights that hang on the back of the tractor, but anything that you can hook to the back end, so you have more weight over or at least right next to the big wheels, is helpful

the ones we have for the tractor look a little like:

here is a shiny new one, all by itself so you can see what it is:

For our snow plowing truck, when we get lots of snow, we drive it into town and get a pallet of sand put in the back bed, right over the back axle, that is 4 THOUSAND pounds. It helps enormously. It makes the truck better at sticking to the road, and pushing heavy snow.

We don't have anywhere as much weight for the tractor.... but our tractor is also set-up with a snow-blower, so it doesn't have to do as much pushing as the truck.

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