Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Good luck PuddinFluff on the Llamas and auction stuff.


Mowed lawn twice. Glad the northern folks are getting some nicer weather!
Stayed up way too late last night watching what was going on in Baltimore. I was trapped in downtown Detroit in 1968 with my dad trying desperately to get me out. Took him over a week and a police escort. All I'll say on here is I'm praying for the decent folks of Baltimore, and that includes the decent officers putting their lives on the line trying to protect them.

On a lighter note, DH is feeling better so now he is being a typical man
Had to yell at him yesterday to keep him from dragging 200 ft of heavy gauge hose across the yard!
He finally dropped it when I threatened to grab the credit card and head for the city while he was laying in the hospital healing from the surgery to repair the damage he was about to do.
(Momma trained me well

ETA-I got a pm from Nifty-Chicken!!! and I'm an ovation master! Thanks guys!!!
In '68 iwas a kid in Detroit burbs watching it on TV and hearing about on CKLW. Do you remember that station chicki?

Ex had that surgery - 3 days later he was out trying to dig holes for fence posts.
Guys are stubborn. (Putting it PC)

And ETA - Nifty sent me one too. Nice guy that Nifty! Thanks from me too.
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On an entirely other note, some good news in the news.

And now I won't have to lie about my diet anymore, because even though I eat REALLY clean, I love cheese and I eat it. Now I shall not be ashamed about it. I will tell my doctor, "Yes! I eat Cheese! "
I will wear a t-shirt proclaiming my love of cheese. I shall wear one of those foam cheese hats. I am out of the cheese closet.

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On an entirely other note, some good news in the news.

And now I won't have to lie about my diet anymore, because even though I eat REALLY clean, I love cheese and I eat it. Now I shall not be ashamed about it. I will tell my doctor, "Yes! I eat Cheese! "
I will wear a t-shirt proclaiming my love of cheese. I shall wear one of those foam cheese hats. I am out of the cheese closet.


The Cheese thing reminds me of the lard thing. The gunk that plugs arteries looks vaguely like cheese and lard so many just just cannot get over the visual.

Digestion and metabolism does not work that way! Cheese and lard do not reform into your veins. They are digested, broken down and are used by the body. Nealy all of our cholesterol comes from the liver--we make it. High cholesterol is a metabolic problem in the body--not from eating cheese!
Morning everyone!!!

Ahhh... the POWER of CHEESE ! ! !

And COFFEE ! ! !

Happy Wednesday ! ! !

Today will be a cheese and coffee day!
I Second this Coffee and Cheese Day!

So on Wednesday mornings I am usually catching up on what I missed on Monday and Tuesday.
(Tuesday Mornings are spent with my Dad. I help him out. Check on him make sure he is doing o.k. We talk a lot on the phone, but it is not the same as me actually seeing him.)

I love that I finally have a Saint that I can really Understand. St. Drogo...
is less certain that diet explains the French Paradox. “I spent a lot of time in Paris and other parts of France, and what you don’t see is inactive people who are overweight,” he says,

I think I'll take my cheese for a hike

“Whether or not cheese will solve French paradox, I think, remains to be seen,” Hotamisligil says. Nevertheless, “As a big cheese lover, I am loving to read these sort of findings,” he jokes. “Wine is good, cheese is good, so I’m all set.”

I agree with that!!

Now where is the study that says coffee helps you live to a ripe old age????
So My Dad (74 years old) lives in a house (a lone) well, with his dog Chevy. Older dog about, 10 years old and over weight.
(This story from my dad), There has been a bird nest in the attic. It has several baby birds that chirp for food all day long. One baby (now named Columbus), decided to explore the attic. So all day and all night it would chirp at the top of it's lungs every where it went. by morning (neither my dad or Chevy got any sleep), it had found it's way to a vent and fallen down into the water heater closet. It was just beside the vent opening and managed to spend all day chirping, but never actually went to the vent so dad could get it.
By evening, it finally found the vent and dad got on his hands and knees (he said he was pretty sure he was never getting out of that position and back up). He managed to catch Columbus, who fit in his hand except for his mouth which dad says if a third of it's body) the whole time Chevy trying to help. Dad started to get up and had trouble balancing and Columbus escaped and rain behind the piano. after several tries and Columbus darting from place to place, Dad and Chevy managed to catch Columbus and put him in the garden out back.
Dad was very exhausted and they slept good that night.

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