Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

You sound like a guy I knew that owned a nursery. One winter night, someone slit the side of his main greenhouse to go in and steal the cashbox inside. He was livid! It was a small operation; there wasn't that much in the box and pretty much everyone in the neighborhood would have known that (particularly at that time of year). But that UV-stabilized greenhouse film is expensive, and the gap in it caused the heater to run constantly all night, which burned up a whole tank of propane. Because of the lack of pressure, the double wall collapsed together; even with the heater running, there was freeze damage to plants at the furthest end of the house from the heater. The door to the house wasn't locked (shoot, there wasn't any way to lock it); that moron cost my friend several hundred dollars' worth of damage breaking in to get to a cashbox he could have simply walked in and taken!

yep.... so sad...


I sure missed a bunch of good stuff here!
I hope you are recovering well sour. And 3good eggs.

It seems I may need to make some clarifications...
Two things I'm not...
married - to anyone. I do, however, have a very nice DSO.
a Princess - of any sort. I do, however, have a few crowns of my own.
And two things I am...
very sweet - I do use plenty of honey and sugar and drink plenty of coffee - it helps - A LOT!
Young enough to be sours granddaughter -
In my mind only. I'm 29, remember? That's my number and I'm sticking to it.

Also I regret to inform you the possibility 'dudes grandchickis are currently down to 1 out of 14.
I already broke the news to bama and will be getting more bama eggs shipped. It seems I have very clumsy Marans and and a detetmined clumsy BO. I now have a broody Ameracauna who thus far seems more reliable. She will be separated right off from the start. Let's just say - It's not good when the hens play musical nest boxes and are clumsy and hungry!

I sure missed a bunch of good stuff here!
I hope you are recovering well sour. And 3good eggs.

It seems I may need to make some clarifications...
Two things I'm not...
married - to anyone. I do, however, have a very nice DSO.
a Princess - of any sort. I do, however, have a few crowns of my own.
And two things I am...
very sweet - I do use plenty of honey and sugar and drink plenty of coffee - it helps - A LOT!
Young enough to be sours granddaughter -
In my mind only. I'm 29, remember? That's my number and I'm sticking to it.

Also I regret to inform you the possibility 'dudes grandchickis are currently down to 1 out of 14.
I already broke the news to bama and will be getting more bama eggs shipped. It seems I have very clumsy Marans and and a detetmined clumsy BO. I now have a broody Ameracauna who thus far seems more reliable. She will be separated right off from the start. Let's just say - It's not good when the hens play musical nest boxes and are clumsy and hungry!
Your hens are eating the eggs, not just stepping on them?
I think I really will go the Brinsea way. I can't take carnage and heartbreak well. I am sensitive that way.
Maybe I need less animals...
That won't solve anything.
Your hens are eating the eggs, not just stepping on them?
I think I really will go the Brinsea way. I can't take carnage and heartbreak well. I am sensitive that way.
Maybe I need less animals...
:/  naa.
That won't solve anything.

Consider a GQF Genesis Hova Bator 1588 whenever you get ready to buy an incubator. Best $135 I ever spent
Consider a GQF Genesis Hova Bator 1588 whenever you get ready to buy an incubator. Best $135 I ever spent

Knew you'd like it! It really does an admirable job for a styrobator. Once you get the hang of calibrating it, it kind of takes care of itself (except for adding water)

My favorite feature of it, though, is the big window. No more neck cramps trying to peer into the corners.
Knew you'd like it!   It really does an admirable job for a styrobator.   Once you get the hang of calibrating it, it kind of takes care of itself (except for adding water)

My favorite feature of it, though, is the big window.   No more neck cramps trying to peer into the corners.

I took it out of the box and plugged it in. Took out the red plug and loaded it up with eggs. I have not touched the factory settings. It has been dead on.
My eggs are exactly where they should be on weight loss %.
Im so confident in it that I have ordered $200 worth of hatching eggs to put in it
I took it out of the box and plugged it in. Took out the red plug and loaded it up with eggs. I have not touched the factory settings. It has been dead on.
My eggs are exactly where they should be on weight loss %.
Im so confident in it that I have ordered $200 worth of hatching eggs to put in it
hoping for a great hatch!

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