Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)


So sorry for the chickie trouble. I am with you on dispatching them. I just hate to do it. I prefer to be alone so I can cry and pray when I do.

As far as the laptop, I feel your pain. My is dying a slow death but I have a new one ordered. Picking the "right" one is always an issue for me as a non-techy. There always seems to be some question I forget to ask about and I end up with one option I wish I had gotten but didn't. Plus, my hubby likes to buy from a place that doesn't offer tech support after but saves him money.

x100 on backing up your computer before it completely dies. Good luck.
New Laptops are a pain to buy. Once done it's a blessing. I am lucky to have a computer savvy son who did all the research and said. Mom go here tell them you want ... The price is ....
Otherwise I'd still be trying to figure it out
Good morning everyone! Welcome new coffee drinkers! It is a sunny warmish morning here in northern michigan. First morning without frost in many days. My baby ducks are getting so big so quickly. And my chickens are being really nice to them. Everyone is getting along for five minutes. Including the children who are sleeping in...


I'm sorry did you say frost? We have had shorts weather here for a few months . I have considered switching to iced coffee but maybe I just need to move up there. I'm kind of a coffee purist lol.
New Laptops are a pain to buy. Once done it's a blessing. I am lucky to have a computer savvy son who did all the research and said. Mom go here tell them you want ... The price is ....
Otherwise I'd still be trying to figure it out
I'm quite the opposite. My father is the one whose laptop savvy - also, he knows the useful art of haggling (which I have yet to master -- too scared of embarrassing myself
). If only I knew how to convince people to give me discounts like he does...

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