Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

They woke up just fine, however now I'm worried about the hot, here nights are as cold as in the Antarctica and days as hot as in the Sahara, and they look like they're suffering from the hotness
do they have shade? Water? If so, they should be fine outside. I'm in Ga... I know what heat is. My birds usually plop down under a tree during the hottest part of the day, and act like they're dying, then go into an eating frenzy when it cools down at night.
do they have shade? Water? If so, they should be fine outside. I'm in Ga... I know what heat is. My birds usually plop down under a tree during the hottest part of the day, and act like they're dying, then go into an eating frenzy when it cools down at night.

Yeah they have plenty of shade and water, they're eating right now, I think they're ok.

Where are you located? 


Somewhere in CA...
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The only reason I ask is humidity issues with heat. here in Southern California and at my house the temps can get up to 105 degrees My chickens are active and busy.... when it gets to be 110 They are in the shade or napping on their roosts with wings relaxed.

But if you were in a humid climate xtra care needs to be taken because the Oxygen levels in humid air are lower they need to stay quiet and as cool as possible.

Its helpful to know the general area you live in... ie Southern California or Northern California.... or Oregon coastal..... etc. Just to let people know your climate challenges.

I take it further for myself because San Diego has a very varied climate... So I say San Diego High desert... only about two spots that can claim that distinction....
But its a signifigant climate difference from San Diego.

The only reason I ask is humidity issues with heat.   here in Southern California and at my house the temps can get up to 105 degrees My chickens are active and busy.... when it gets to be 110 They are in the shade or napping on their roosts with wings relaxed. 

But if you were in a humid climate xtra care needs to be taken because the Oxygen levels in humid air are lower they need to stay quiet and as cool as possible.

Its helpful to know the general area you live in...  ie Southern California or Northern California.... or Oregon coastal..... etc.  Just to let people know your climate challenges.  

I take it further for myself because San Diego has a very varied climate...  So I say San Diego High desert...  only about two spots that can claim that distinction....:gig   But its a signifigant climate difference from San Diego.


Well, I don't really live in CA but in a place similar to it, :oops: please don't hate me, I'm just ashamed of telling where I live
I would never hate you....  I just blather on explanin why I asked....   

And there are very good reasons for keeping your location private....  I respect that.


Thanks for understanding, most people don't, well the average high temperature is 80° f and the average low is usually 21°, humity is high usually, but we're having a drought here and nights are being really cold.

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