Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

OK.... Teachick is running through all jillion pages that she missed... And pulling up old photos....

Gotta say @Puddin Fluff i really like that photo of your Salmon Favorolles. I really like the breed, but I will NOT have any because they have single combs and fluffy feet (repeat 12 times) :rolleyes:

Anyway, those two hens of yours have wonderful color!!! Just show worthy. :drool
Cute cups.... I been layin low... Been innundated with drop in visits for Grandma... her 99th birthday is on the 16th.

Cleaning house is not one of my favorite things to do... but I am always glad when its done.


Cleaning house isn't my favorite thing either. That's why I taught the kids how to do it.

IDK what I'm going to do when they're grown and gone. I guess I'll have to teach DH.

I hope your grandmother enjoys her 99th!!! =)

Blessed Sunday all!!!

Like everyone else, just too preoccupied with our much too short summer and all the chores that come with it to visit with all of you too much tho I do try to keep up with all the chatter.

Nothing exciting here, just a recent new "wrinkle" with my on-going medical drama that has me in the middle of a battle between my insurance company's cancer care case manager nurse (a great lady) and my new PCP who has turned out to be an idiot
. Nothing terrible, or can't be dealt with, it just means I now have to find a new (aka intelligent) internist which unfortunately up here is about as easy to find as a restaurant that DOESN'T have the "Lumberjack Special" at the top of the menu. It is nice to have your insurance company on your side

It is hot!!!!
We've hit 80o+ F the last 2 days with more coming!!! Yeah, I see you southern and western folks rolling your eyes
Hey! we're not use to this in the nice cool woods! Record lows then long steamy wet hot streaks, wish mom nature would make up her mind this year!
We've never had to cut the lawn so much, ever, and the gardens have disappeared because my straw mulch has decided to grow an oat crop.

We can't even pack the car up and head for Lake Superior because we just wrote two very large checks to pay for the new roof and replace the oversized windows in the kitchen, livingroom and our bedroom with ones that won't leak out heat all winter. Since we've decided to stay after all we're working on making the place a comfortable as possible for our "golden years".
Besides, fingers crossed
, we should re-coup the money when the loggers get to work.

Well, the sun just popped out so I better get busy before it gets too hot. Chat more later


We've been over 95 for more than a month, we've even topped 100 already.

Here's rescue kitty. Found on the side of the road covered in maggots. Guessing around 3 weeks old.

How's (s)he doing?

I on the other hand am loving that it is getting warm out now was 105 yesterday I did not get to enjoy it and my ladies are starting to sound like you Chickiesoup. I put out extra water for them. It is launch weekend and DH is the only tech guy in his office wo we (DH,DS, and Me) went to work to hook up load and launch new computers left yesterday at 10am got home for a rest at 8am this morning Boys went to be I feed and watered animals then went to bed myself having coffee before we go back. I WILL remember my sweatshirt this time! Office is like a freezer I imagine once the people pack in it warms up but not with just 3 of us. I am feeling all Bing Crosby this weekend
Oh the weather outsides delightful
inside a fire would be just right folks
but since the AC s to low
Let it snow let it snow let it snow.

I love the lumberjack special that sounds like fun. Here even Burger king will Texas style your wopper. They add meat Bacon and jalapeno.

Cute we lost our Maggie save but have found yet another trapped in the chicken run skinny skinny stuck in the chicken run. she is now in the house dewormed de flea'd vitamins and food she hides all the time so we call her Hide-y.

summer is too hot to let her fend for herself. Momma and bro or sis met the neighbor dogs.
Not big on stray cats I love cats but with the strays around I didnt have rats. Now strays are gone (dogs that killed my chickens) and I have a rat in my coop again!
Lots of the rock scapes poppin up here too .. New fad but it is like blue eyeshadow it is only nice if done right!

Time to get dressed and head back to the office.
I'll read ya later

Rocks are WAY easier to take care of than plants!!!

A way to sex chicks while in early stages still in the egg!
Discovered by German Vet who was given an award for her work.

Well, what is it?
Missed ya teachick!!
Thanks! =)

I'd be honored!


If you could live anywhere that YOU wanted.... Where would it be?

Hawaii, on the "Unfriendly" island.
Just watched Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown about Hawaii. DH is actually willing to move there and there's no snow (which seems to be a prerequisite for where he is willing to move). He even looked at property there (online, not for real).

OK.... Teachick is running through all jillion pages that she missed... And pulling up old photos....

Gotta say @Puddin Fluff i really like that photo of your Salmon Favorolles. I really like the breed, but I will NOT have any because they have single combs and fluffy feet (repeat 12 times)

Anyway, those two hens of yours have wonderful color!!! Just show worthy.

Yes, sorry for the delay.

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