Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

One doesn't insult monkeys unless one want's sh*t thrown at em.
I have TOTALLY failed this year at getting a broody to take chicks.... And I have had several different broodies, and many sets of chicks.

Great cat photo! Makes me hot just looking at it! :lau

Okay, as talkative and vocal a person as I am, I'm almost always pretty respectful to those around me when I'm online so I don't literally laugh out loud and/or I show whoever's around what I find so funny.
This time, there was absolutely no way to help it! I clicked on this subscription and saw this image and I literally laughed out loud!!! I showed DH. He said it didn't do anything for me, but I'm still sitting here trying to type (and not pee my pants).

I have TOTALLY failed this year at getting a broody to take chicks.... And I have had several different broodies, and many sets of chicks.

Great cat photo! Makes me hot just looking at it!

I'm sorry about your broody situation! I guess weather's going to be too cold there for broodies soon, huh? That's the thing, I have from Feb until Sept, at least. It was 100* at the end of October five or six years ago.

You're hot anyway, @Alaskan !
Hard to believe that 83% of American adults drink coffee.
Thats almost as much as the percentage of those who drink alcohol.
By those statistics alot of people drink coffee and alcohol. I may give that a try

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