Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Are those your eggs?

Well, they're eggs laid by chickens I own(ed).

I still have some of them, some of them have gone to the big chicken coop in the sky.
I have mine talked into it... but my enthusiasm is waning.
Meat, milk, or comfort? (For petting)
My comfort dog is starting to push me off the couch, and I am wondering if she misunderstood the concept.
I have mine talked into it... but my enthusiasm is waning.
Meat, milk, or comfort? (For petting)
My comfort dog is starting to push me off the couch, and I am wondering if she misunderstood the concept.

Yeah, we're having second thoughts; we're not huge fans of goat's milk (well, not the stuff we tried from the store like 15+ years ago anyway). I'm leaning toward a few cows, he's thinking 50...

We'd do it for milk and meat. Maybe little ones for petting, or for the kids to practice milking on. We'd use the milk for cheese. Yum.

Yeah, I hate it when that happens! Maybe, you need to educate her; a book, that would help, but one w/ lots of pictures, okay?
Yeah, that's the hard part. That's what they said about me when I was a kid. I sat still for G-ma to read to me, just let me go live w/ G-ma I would tell them. They didn't listen and they told me I didn't understand. =(

I like whilst. Make the gravy whilst the roast is resting. Get out the ice cream whilst the fudge sauce in heating up. Sit in the chicken coop talking to the broodies whilst the laundry is drying on the line. Oh, yes, can "whilst" be my word of the day too, or do I need to come up with my own?

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