Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

We have a concurrence of concuring.

When this starts to annoy you all, I'll stop. But it doesn't someone else hasn't been affected.

Infected, the word was supposed to be infected.
darn. I lost the effect .

Ah a plethora of possibilities will infect us all with the affect of convivial intercourse and increase the effect of understanding within the parameters of dictionary definition.


You can say that again

No... I cant.... but exercises like that are very good for stretching out them braincells... as a writer I need to do them more often....

Funny thing.... I had to fill in an English class in College... something I thought would be easy... so I chose a Vocabulary class.

easy peasy right?

But dang it was all like the last sentience and full of Etymology and breaking down the meaning of words you never heard before to discern their meaning and derivation. I WAS CAPTIVATED. Some of the exercises included being given a list of words the huge multisyllabic words and use them in sentences and paragraphs.... and Visa Versa

One of my favorite college courses back in the seventies.....

Isn't that what happens when a kid loses a sucker in the seat, and Mom finds it 6 months later all fuzzy with lint?

I think it's when the aforementioned fuzzy sucker is found by the kid and then mom sees him/her/it put it in their mouth before being able to stop said kid.
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