Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)


The video was cool.... clearly coffee flour will save the world and the environment, and all poor farmers.

I totally agree, sounds lovely..... but I wish it would have told me how it tastes.
It does say how it tastes--fruity of some kind.

It is down at the bottom of the page.
::::hanging head::: LOL I posted a reply to post #4 of this huge thread trying to be funny and should have realized it would show up 1600 posts later. I was responding to "I've been roasting coffee beans since 1986".

I haven't quite lost my mind, I swear - but I'm obviously severely undercaffeinated today - sorry :)

:::watching the french press drip the seconds away:::: anyone else having this kind of day?
A day without coffee is like a day without sunshine.... at least for me.

But with coffee a day without sunshine is ok by me.

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