Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

I can't have my coffee until after my bloodwork at 10:30!!!!!
Hope you get to your coffee soon chickisoup!!

Hubby got a second job during the day so I'm managing the animals by myself now and driving everyone everywhere. Can't wait for a second car, but have to do what we've got to do until then. I'm sure you all know the drill. Means a couple hundred miles a day broken up into 3 or 4 legs anywhere between 330am and 10pm. The good news is I found my travel mug!! Coffee on the go!! I'll be fine hahaha :)

Meanwhile I've got 5 baby khaki ducklings 4 weeks old squeaking at me nonstop. Most adorable little muddy nightmare ever !!

Big thank you to whomever brought up turkish coffee... I hadn't thought of that in almost a year and found my ibrik with my travel mug. Yummmmmmmm
The weird thing about having to fast for so long, especially if the doc appointment isn't first thing in the morning ... Is that my heart starts to do funny things.... Races a bit, and I feel all odd and off....

I everyone!!! I SURVIVED!!!

Fortunately, I have my bloodwork then there is a 40 minute delay while the lab does it's thing before I see my Onc.
Why is this fortunate? My clinic is right across the hall from the hospital cafeteria where they have Starbucks!!!
The weird thing about having to fast for so long, especially if the doc appointment isn't first thing in the morning ... Is that my heart starts to do funny things.... Races a bit, and I feel all odd and off....


As opposed to your usual odd and off?   :)

True! True!

Chicki, glad you got some coffee! I hope you got a bit of food too.

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